chapter 12

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it's the weekend, annie and i still haven't talked since our last conversation. i lay down on my bed spacing out about what happened between me and annie or just thinking how selfish i am

"hey, y/n! aren't you going to eat this bread you bought two days ago?" my mom called me from the living room

"o-oh yeah! i-i'll eat them now..!"

i stared at the bread that was supposed to be annie's. i open the cover slowly and have a bite

"it's sweet but.... i can't feel anything..." i messed up really bad

tears began to fall and i wipe countlessly my tears 'ugh... i feel sick'

i walk outside to get some fresh air and saw sasha and connie in a beef restaurant

they were fighting over beef and sasha saw me and waved at me so did connie

"y/n, want some?" sasha gave me some beef and fed me

"o-oh! f-fuh! fuh... i-isch de-delishoush" i said while it was still hot in my mouth

"i know right! this is my favorite beef, glad you could make it in time" she eats her beef

"m-mm, t-thanks sasha..." i said gratefully and look down

"hm? what's the matter?" sasha asked

"maybe because you're eating too much" he sneakily took hers

"o-oh n-no, that's not it... is just that..." i look a little bit upset

"hey...y/n... is it about annie?" sasha spot it right

i just nodded

"want to talk about it?" connie and sasha waiting for me to tell them

"hmm... well...." i told the whole story about annie and me

"what?! she said that? how dare her!?" sasha said while eating her beef

"i don't know what got into annie's head but maybe you should forget it, i mean that's totally not you" connie said

"no, s-she right..... maybe we shouldn't be friends from the first place.." i said

"what? that's-" sasha was about to speak but cut her

"say... if you.. h-have a.. healing power... that could only use... to that one person... doesn't it sounds.... interesting?" the last part i look up to them, they were kinda speechless

"hmm... i guess so... sounds like something about fate stuff" connie said with his weird expression talking about this topic

"ah! i know! like that person have a destiny with the one they healed! or.. maybe like only to their family... but! i'm pretty sure it's a destiny thing!" sasha got up her seat and everyone watching her

"goddamit, sasha don't fucking embarrass us!" he pulls sasha to her seat

"hey, y/n. i've been meaning to ask you this.. do you like annie?" connie ask after dealing with sasha

"o-of course... even d-despite what happened... i still t-think of her.. as my friend..."

"n-no, in that way. like... romantic feelings" he said that and i blink my eyes


i suddenly blushed at the thought of that and look down

connie and sasha was kinda surprised even after everyone call us a couple before but i reacted now

"ohhh!! oh my gosh! our y/n's finally realized she's in love!!" sasha shakes the table and i just keep blushing the thought of me and annie spent time together

the staff kicked us out and now we're eating ice cream in a nearby park

"so... y/n, whatcha gonna do now? that you realize how you felt for her" connie asked me, sitting on a seesaw

"hmmm... i-i don't know.... it's g-going to be really hard to approach her now..." i said looking down

"connie! stop pressuring her. you have us, y/n and we're going to help you" sasha cheered me and connie just nodded

"t-thanks guys! ok! i-i'll give it s-shot..!"

"that's the y/n we know!" sasha said

"umm.. it's kinda opposite though...?" connie commented and they both fought again while i just laughed

'i don't know what's going to happen but... i'll tell her how i really feel for her'

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