chapter 15

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it's been two weeks now, tomorrow annie and hitch would be able to go to school. the whole week, annie avoided me whenever we saw each other outside like she took a walk and i was hanging out with my friends, we bump into each other and she ignored me.

"hey, y/n! did you listen what we just planned?" sasha waved at me and everyone look at me

"h-huh?! oh... right..s-sorry.."

"cheer up, y/n! this is going to work! with the help of me, we can do this!" sasha said

"um, more like we're the one who gives the better idea than you" jean said

"but i'm the part of the plan too!" sasha pouted

they start to argue a bit and eat some snacks. i just chuckle at them and showed a weak smile to myself

'hopefully, this will work...'

|| monday

today is the day, connie and sasha prepared for the plan. all i have to do is just talk to her, the plan will start during recess

(annie's pov)

i walked into the hall, on my way to get to the cafeteria. suddenly, i saw sasha bought many eggs bread in a plastic bag

"h-hey, annie! i need a hand, please??" sasha asked my help

"uh... no. go ask...y/n or something.." i felt weird calling out her name

"oh.... come on! i don't see y/n here now" she begged

"ugh... fucking fine..." i took one of the plastic bags

"yay! thanks a bunch, annie!"

"whatever, where to?" i asked

we both go to the cafeteria together but.. y/n was not there. i put the plastic bag on the table where sasha and her gang usually eat

"hey, annie! care to join us?" connie asked


"come on, annie...! hey! why don't we go back to our master art house again..? like you know just to hang out"

"what? why would you guys fuck-" i got cut off

"i bought this new spray can brand..! and also sasha will bring us some donuts...!" he start to mentioning the 'donut' to lure me

"fine..., fuck it!" i said

|| after school

i'm in the abandoned house where connie and the others will meet. y/n will be there too but fuck it, i'm here for the donut

after waiting for 5 minutes, i heard a footsteps coming from my back. i turn my head to see if sasha and connie are here was y/n

"a-annie...i-" she starts to talk when i cut her

"oh, i fucking get it now" i start to walk away

"ok! i'm sorry, i asked them to do this to you but would you plea-" she started to pull my arm

i pull away from her hand and start to walk away again. 'i don't want to listen to her. what if it was true? then we should never be frien-'

"for fuck sake, annie! just fucking listen to me! i'm so fucking tired of you running away" she said that, in front of me. not letting me leave

she wide her eyes and cover her mouth. we both were shocked, that was the first time she could be honest with herself

my eyes wandering somewhere else and look down. "fine...." i said

we both seat on the old sofa, not a single word has been said between us

"I'm sorry.... i avoided you" i start to talk, breaking the silence

"i didn't want to listen to you....maybe scared of 'you use me' was true... i thought we should just be a classmate or acquaintance, i don't know... other than being a friend..."

i could feel y/n's gaze at me. "i'm sorry too.. i cursed at you just now... and about everything...." y/n said

"it was true... that i had a boring life, my previous town doesn't have any happiness there, just an empty bottle. i was so happy that we moved here and i met you annie... i'm really grateful your my first friend here... and..." she paused looking at me straight in the eyes, her eyes were so deep and began to shine

"my first love...." my eyes widened, the thought of her loving me back feels like a dream

our eyes now lock to each other, bodies getting closer and there was our face began so close. our lips met for the first time, it was so passionate and full of mysterious feelings i've never felt and so did y/n

we part our lips to have some air. the both of us blushed and look away that is not our face

"i love you, annie.."

i look at her and smiled

"i love you too... y/n"

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