chapter 2

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it was lunchtime and i don't have a seat or friends to eat with

'ohh noo... this is why i hate school, i didn't make any friends on a first day. well that is normal but there is annie though, i guess she's counted? ohhh i don't know'

i got back at the school and yeah, what did i expect? of course this is delinquent's favorite place to hang out

oh! annie is there too and with her gang i guess. i was about to leave but bumped into someone very taller than me and he has a very scary face

"why is there a squirrel nearby here?" he said while bowing a little to reach my level

i was too scared to speak and a girl behind him showed up

"what happened, eren?" she look at him and then at me. her expression changed into a creepy face

"what the fuck did you do, bitch? are you trying to be a bitch around him?" she gripped my clothes and this makes me more freaking out

i felt someone pull my clothes and pull me to them

"shut the hell up already!" it was annie who defended me

"what? you're trying to show off with your new girlfriend?" the black hair girl pissed

"is there a collar around her that has my name on it?" she pointed at my neck and somehow this seem kinda embarrassing

"that's enough, mikasa. we don't want to pick a fight with our peaceful enemy here" the tall brunette trying to pick more fights?

"but i do want to fight with you again, annie" he said again

the black hair girl is now pissed with annie and two guys are coming from behind her

"is there a problem here, eren?" the blonde guy spoke to this brunette

"no no really, we just met annie's new girlfriend here" he look at me and grinned

i wasn't dared to speak at this point to clear the misunderstanding

"what the fuck? no, she's not my girlfriend" annie cleared it for them

"oh well, it was nice to meet you. i'm eren and this is mikasa" he introduced himself and for the black hair girl

he handed his hand to shake with me and i did the same but my hands were shaking

"y-y/n l-l-l/n..."

"ok, you've done the shaking shit you did with everyone you just met. you can fuck off now" annie said to eren

"come on, it won't hurt if she's interested, right? or maybe your gay? well if that's the case, you can just fuck with mikasa more than me" eren suggested something i would never do in thousands of years while mikasa just standing beside him smoking

"yeah, she's not interested. you can fuck with that bitch instead" annie pointed at mikasa

"that will fucking do. see you again later, cheetah and little y/n" he waved to us and went off somewhere

thank god i survived, i will only go to the place i know only for sure

"what the hell are you doing here, y/n?" i turn back at annie who is now glaring at me, and crossed her arms

"ugh.... i don't have a place to eat, the cafeteria was full and i don't have friends to eat with but i'm fine with that is just that...."

"maybe kinda lonely for the first day...?"

she sighed and sit at her place. signaling me to sit beside her and i did

" reiner, bertholdt. this is y/n, she's going to eat with me and i don't care if you guys want to stay or not" she said blankly

"what is that fucking question, annie? of course, we're going to stay" the blonde guy grinned and the black hair boy just nodded

"you're y/n, right? the names reiner and this is bertholdt" he introduced himself and his friend

"mm, is n-nice to meet you.." i nodded. well, they seem nice, that's good

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