chapter 4

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i woke up from my bed, rubbing my eyes. yesterday event played in my head and now i don't know how to face annie when i see her later

i got ready and eat breakfast with my parents. they wish me good luck for my second day of school and i just waved at them.

i walk to school and i took a deep breath to clear out my mind. 'don't worry just forget about that and just do how i normally do!' i thought to myself

i arrived and sasha greeted me in the class. i greet her back and waved a little

"hey! y/n thanks a bunch for buying me yesterday. let's go eat together at other places!" sasha suggested

"o-oh, s-sure i would l-like that.."

"what's this? are you asking someone you just met to buy you food?" a bald guy come our way

"what!? of course not! we're friends now and y/n want to buy them" sasha pouted

"oh! that's right! y/n, this is connie. he's kinda scary and bald but he's actually nice or maybe you shouldn't talk to him at all" sasha introduced him while smiling sarcastically

"hey! you bitc-" connie was about to speak but he got cut off

"anyway, how about you join us for lunch, y/n?" sasha invented me to join her

"oh! umm..." i looked at annie's desk

"y-yeah, sure. thank you, sasha.. and it was n-nice to m-meet you c-connie.." i look back at her and i change my mind

"great! see you then and i could show you some places and my friends" she waved at me and connie just nodded

i smiled a little to them and look back at annie's desk. 'i hope she's ok'

it's lunchtime and i haven't seen annie, maybe she won't come today

"y/n... earth to y/n!! hello!!" sasha waved her hand in front of my face

"G-GAHH!! i-i'm s-sorry!! w-what was it?" i jumped a little because i was not paying attention

"geez, you like daydreaming huh? this is jean, armin, and marco!" sasha introduced them

"it's nice to meet you, y/n" marco said to me

"hey" jean grinned at me and armin just smiled

"i-it's n-nice to m-meet a-all of you...." i look at them and down a little because it's kinda embarrassing with new people especially boys

"you're kinda cute, y/n" jean flirts with me? but this really embarrassing though

"" my face began to light up with red and averted eyes with him

"come on, jean. stop that, she thinks you're ugly saying that to her face" connie trying to save me from his jean flirting phase

"hey! i'm not fucking ugly, you are" jean and connie starts to argue, marco at the right hand trying to stop them and sasha eating her lunch peacefully

"don't bother them, they always like that" armin said to me

i just nodded and starts to eat my lunch. armin continue reading his book until someone called up to him

"hey, armin. what are you doing here?" it was eren and that is messed up

"oh, eren. today sasha called us to eat at the cafeteria to meet this new student that starts her first day yesterday" armin look at me and eren too

"oh! little y/n! what a coincidence, you're not eating with your girlfriend?" eren asked

"u-umm.. l-like a-annie told y-you yesterday... w-we're not d-dating.." i stutter a lot because eren stills scare me

"yeah i know, my bad. i thought you would be checking on her since she just got into a fight"

"w-what!?" i look at him

"oh? so you do care about her" he smirked at me

"i-i mean.. s-she is my f-frie......" i remembered our conversation yesterday

"i'm sorry, i-i have t-to go to the r-restroom.." i excuse myself and left the cafeteria

"damn, she must be holding her pee because of how scary you are" jean said to eren

eren rolled his eyes and show his middle finger

i lied to them just so that i could check on annie. i brought some band-aids and water before i searched. 'she could be anywhere but i'm going to keep searching for her'. i'm not sure why i do this but maybe, to me, she's still my friend

i searched in the classroom, infirmary and there was still no sight of her. 'of course, the back of school'

i breathe heavily and calm myself down. i peeked so that i won't bump into another delinquent and there she was. sitting against a wall and sleeping?

i came closer to her and saw that she was sleeping peacefully. i scan her face and all over her body to see her injuries. there was a little cut on her hands and that is kinda a little relief

'i wonder if i touch her, would they be healed?'

my hands reached hers and suddenly...

"i heard that annie got into a fight again, maybe she's laying here" reiner said to bertholdt while they came in

i hurriedly shoved my hands away and sit properly

"oh, y/n! you came to check on annie?" reiner asked

"o-oh, y-yeah! i j-just got the n-news" i said to him and pretend as nothing happened

reiner checks on annie and holds her hand to find the cut on it. he began to stand up to went off

"ok, cool. we're just going to buy something for her and our food so keep an eye on her for us" he and bertholdt left

"what are you doing here?" i heard annie say that and turn to her

"y-you got into f-fights again..., right?"

"that not any of your business"

"a-annie, i-i want to be f-friends with y-you. i-is that s-so wrong?" i asked nervously

"why the hell, would you want to be my friend?" she asked blankly looking at me

"w-well... i c-care about y-you... d-do we need an r-reason to be friends w-with someone?"

"yeah, especially when i'm different than you"

"t-that is why.. we.. become f-friends, right? w-we get to know t-the o-other person, and r-realize how d-different we are... and the feeling o-of how c-comforting it is to be with t-this 'f-friends'"

she blinked her eyes because of how speechless she was and look the other way

"fine, you can be my friend, if that's what you want badly" she said blankly while there was a dusted pink on her cheek

"t-thank you, a-annie" i widened my eyes and smile

she was smiling a little that i couldn't see

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