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"Oh hell, who done put the girly music on my Spotify playlist?" Logan asked, moving from the side of the car so he could examine the faces of the two people that were working with him in the garage

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"Oh hell, who done put the girly music on my Spotify playlist?" Logan asked, moving from the side of the car so he could examine the faces of the two people that were working with him in the garage.

Tusa had just come on, blazing through the speakers unexpectedly to him. Though he vibed with the queen of rap, he didn't too much vibe with her pop ventures.

Shane burst out laughing observing his face, as the music itself entered her system, encouraging her to subtly dance as she worked on the Toyota before her.

"I knew giving you my passcode was going to be something I regret real soon," he responded, rolling his eyes but not making a move to change the music either. Today, Logan was on music, his phone connected to the sound system.

"You still love me though," Shane yelled back, kind of waiting for his response. When he kept quiet, she looked up, fixing her eyes upon him wearing a straight face. A wide smile came on her face as they connected eyes, "yeah, your ass still loves me,"

He laughed, shaking his head. He couldn't help but like the vibe that Shane carried. He honestly loved that she could handle her own, and if you did not cross her, she was always a good vibe.

"First, and last time," he commented, pointing towards the direction of his phone.

"I just had to play this song, it's a good day. I'm getting my fair shot. No being monitored. Had to play by national anthem," she bragged on being able to somewhat come to a better agreement with Hendrichs. He'd stayed true to his word, not being overbearing.

Quite frankly, when he had been in the garage to work -he moved in silence, AirPods in his ears. That she did not mind, as long as he was not breathing down her neck. That was all that mattered.

"You've got a national anthem?" Logan chuckled, choosing to ignore her statements about Hendrichs.

"Boy yes, here on the Shane ship, once something good happens and we feel like celebrating, Tusa is the go to song. At any given time," she said, dancing with her feet, as she went back to checking the radioter, oil, and water levels.

Logan shook his head, a faint smile remaining on his face as he went back to his car. All three remained in their heads, conversation halting as they focused on the job at hand, letting the music entertain them as they gave their ultimate best.

They were so into it, that they did not hear the sound of the classic bottom red Louboutins kissing the floor, but still announcing the owners presence.

Shane was the first one to raise her eyes, catching the hazel green eyes of the beauty that had just walked into their premises.

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