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"Alright fam," he spoke up so he could gather their attention, and surely all the noise dialed down as he closed up the circle and the music went down. He took a moment, a sigh leaving his mouth as he stood with his arms folded, his stature up right.

"I'm sure you're all wondering where Amaru is today, or maybe you were not. I don't know how to put it lightly, but last night after our games night, Amaru got a call from home letting him know that his mother took a turn for the worst, and he needed to fly in if he wanted to say goodbye before time,"

A pregnant silence filled the room, as they all wore various facial expressions. Shane placed a hand over her mouth that was open in shock. She honestly could not imagine the different emotions that must have been running through Amaru's mind at that moment.

No wonder he was a bit on the uneasy side last night, Shane thought to herself. Amaru must have felt the shift in the spiritual spectrum and that must have spiked his anxiety.

"Please tell me, by some chance, she's alright," Shane pleaded, her voice small and full of emotion. All she could also think about was how Amaru confessed to her on how he would not be able to handle the death of his mother and prayed hard that she didn't go.

"Still awaiting news from Amaru. As soon as I know, I will let you guys know," Hendrichs answered Shane, briefly looking at her before moving his sight to the rest of the team. Defeat was evident on his face, and in his body language. He slightly raised his arm, before he dropped it. It was clear as day he did not have any hope for it being a good outcome.

"I know anyone's immediate instinct is to text and message him, but he's asked for space till there's an update. I'd ask that we respect that, and whilst on that topic, I would ask that we'd suspend all music for today. Aside from upstairs of course. We can't be in celebration whilst family is suffering," he further added, pausing to gauge everyone's reaction before continuing.

"Just for today, you can use your earphones or whatever if you need music to carry you. Please keep Amaru and his family in your thoughts and prayers. And let's try and have the best day today," he gave a small and quick smile, before he tapped the hood of one car and walked away, possibly heading into his office.

She didn't realize it, but her eyes were glossy as she feared the inevitable for her friend Maru. More than anything she wanted to call him, or send a message just so he would know he wasn't alone. However, she knew that he needed to spend as much time with his mother as possible - with no interruptions, so she couldn't bring herself to be selfish. 

Logan touched her shoulder, and as she looked up at him, he pulled her in for a hug. She laid her head against his chest, as he cradled her head and silence became their sense of solace.

 To say he was surprised was an understatement. To see Shane so full of emotion, and expressing it, it took him aback. He just had not pegged her to be the type of girl who was an empath, but it was so clear, especially with the way she had only known Maru for less than a month, and still have shown so much care for him. 

"Don't worry, we've got him," Logan whispered just above her head, and she sniffled, nodding her head before she pulled out of his embrace and hid her face as she quickly wiped away the droplets of tears that stained her cheeks. 

"I can't not worry, he's so in awe of his mom. If she's taken away, I fear for what might become of him," she shook her head, her breath shaky, as she slightly bit on the tip of her tongue. 

"We are his support system. We'll be there, we will carry him when he has no strength to keep on going, we are a family here at Haines City more than anything Shane, please don't cry," he gave a small smile, as he used the pad of his thumbs to wipe away the fresh tears on her crimson red cheeks. 

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