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It had been such a success, the day that is, with the way they had been on their toes all day. They had gotten more customers than they had anticipated. Which was partly good, because that meant there was a lot of cash coming into the business, but on the flip side, they were extremely tired.

Every ligament in Shane's body ached, including her heart which really went out to Amaru. She couldn't begin to imagine the pain that he felt, losing someone so dear to his heart. She knew that he lived and breathed for his mother, and now that she no longer walked on this planet, she was petrified of what Maru just might do.

She couldn't put it past him, she just couldn't. He was such a high risk suicidal person in her eyes, and it was for that reason, she really wanted to be there with him.

There was pure silence in the room, as all seven of them sat in the workshop, taking a solid five minutes to honor Amaru's mother's memory. They also sat in the room so they could plan out the next few days going forward, with regards to the funeral, and the running of the shop.

"I know each and every one of us here would love to be there for Maru in this moment," he spoke breaking the silence. In the same space, he paused, swallowing his emotions so he could speak clearly and take leadership, as it was his place to.

He couldn't bare the weight on his shoulders, as in this moment, he felt so defeated, so tired -and yet he couldn't allow himself to show just that. He had to take control, and initiative but he also knew that he had to be there for Amaru.

More than anything, he was one of his best mates, and his wisdom was just so beyond this world. And he knew that Maru was going to need the strongest support system as he journeyed forward.

Although he didn't have a relationship with his dad, he wouldn't wish being without a single parent on anyone. Not even to Shane, the very bane of his existence.

"Yeah," Logan spoke up, taking up for his best friend where he saw that he was struggling, just a tad bit, "I have already booked my flight for tomorrow evening. Amaru needs our support now more than ever,"

He had booked his flight in the afternoon right after receiving the message from Shane, who had let everyone know, besides Hendrichs who also had gotten a similar message himself.

"Same here," Michael shared, sitting up on the couch, "it's the same flight as Logan, so I'll be leaving with him,"

"I was just about to say, for this very reason," Hendrichs responded with a light chuckle, "I've decided to close up shop, and just leave the dealership open, because Annalise, Helena, and Robyn have opted out of going, which honestly is fine,"

"It's not that I don't want to go, I really do, but someone has to ensure the business is running," Helena tried to explain herself, a small smile of guilt sitting on her face.

"And that's okay, I truly appreciate it," Hendrichs spoke up, giving a head nod of appreciation towards his twin. His gazed fell upon Shane, who had her mouth open, as though she wanted to say something, and so he prompted her to speak, with a question.

"Do you have something you want to say Shane?" he lifted an eyebrow, placing his focus just on her.

"Well two things really," she immediately spoke up, "firstly, it's probably none of my business but who is Robyn?"

Logan immediately let out a short laugh, before he tried to straighten his face. Hendrichs looked at Logan with so much contempt for the stunt he had unintentionally pulled. They both crossed eyes, before Logan sniffled, trying to play it off.

"Oh, cool." Shane responded with a playful smile on her face as she caught the drift that Logan was playing on.

"She's a friend," Helena spoke up, not liking what Logan had just done.

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