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Yikes. Someone's a year
older 🫣 and we need to
celebrate that.

Coming to pick you up
at 8:30AM, be ready.

She groaned, wiping the crust that held onto the corner of her eyes. However, a smile spread across her face at the sight of her message. He'd sent it at 12 midnight on the dot, and though most found it childish to wait up and send a birthday message at 12 — she absolutely adored the gesture.

She'd stayed true to her word, never expecting him to plan anything even if he was now her man, officially. However, it didn't take away the joy that welled up in her heart because of what he'd sent her.

She laid on her back, lifting her phone up so she could type a response to his message. Her eyes quickly glanced at the time, realizing that she had a good hour and a half before he came to get her.

She didn't know what he had planned, but it must have been for the whole day since he was coming to pick her up in the morning.

You're not even gonna ask if
I want to celebrate my birthday
with you?? I don't know if I like that🧐

But okay, I'll be ready🥰
Where are we going?
What's the vibe? Need to plan
my fit.☺️

Also, zero birthday wishes?
Bad boyfriend🫠
*shakes my index finger*

Once upon a time she would have restrained herself from triple texting a man, but she just felt so free to speak her mind with Hendrichs.

So far, he'd made everything so easy between them. It was just so natural, one could never believe there was once bad blood between them.

Her smile widened as her eyes quickly scanned through the list of people who'd sent her birthday wishes. Right after Hendrichs' message was Logan's, then Lena, and her brother. From five a.m. though, her dad's message had come in, then her mother's, Fatima's, Annalise, then surprisingly Amaru as well.

She'd done such a good job of avoiding him, making sure to never be at Hendrichs' house.

At that moment she realized that she'd never blocked or deleted his number, and she bit her lip, contemplating on whether she wanted to be petty and read the message, but then leave it on read. Or be cruel, and send a message that would let him know to never contact her, delete his number, then block it.

Though her mind was leaning towards the cruel message, her heart squeezed, and she deleted the message without opening it. She went to his contact options, and blocked his number, but she didn't delete it.

Deciding that she wanted to be in a great mood today, and not ruin it, she started responding to all the birthday wishes she'd received, and she left her brother's for last.

Happy birthday Shae!
It was supposed to be a
surprise, but then I realized
you might have plans...

Flying in to see you 😁
what time should I come to
your place? Do I book a hotel?

"Oh my days!!" She exclaimed looking at the text message. She quickly pressed the FaceTime button, and continuously tapped against her screen with her nail.

"You're that excited." Lukas laughed, leaning back on his office chair.

"An understatement! For my birthday too?? Luka." She pouted, leaning her head to the side.

"I figured it's been long and I miss you. Figured I'd fly in for your birthday, if that's cool with you." He ran his hand through his natural locs, that weren't surprisingly held up by a hairtie.

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