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He didn't expect for her to still be here, let alone anyone for that matter. As he plugged his phone into the system, his ears then chose to pay attention to the surrounding area's noises — hearing metal rub against metal.

At first he thought it was maybe Ben, since Shane had mentioned that he had been trying to impress him —which he had noticed as well. He liked that he didn't have to battle with him, and things had essentially gone back to their natural order.

However, as he stepped into the heart of his autobody shop —his eyes drank up the sight of her underneath the car. She seemed so focused, so much so that she didn't cast a single glance his way. He couldn't lie, the sight of her underneath that car was very alluring, in a way that he hadn't noticed before.

And as the song Undecided finally engulfed the silence in the room, Shane quickly glanced up at the entrance. Her eyes locked with his, a smile climbing onto the face of the other.

"I just knew it had to be you with that Chris Brown music," she freely spoke, her attention moving from his face, back to the car she was working on. She wasn't doing repairs, but was servicing a car, just so the owner of the said car would be excited about the car coming back so to him or her so quickly.

Efficiency, like he, himself had said.

"Are you trying to say that's my favorite artist or something?" he still wore the smile that had climbed onto his face as he questioned her.

"I'm fully convinced you love his music, evidence seems to say so," he couldn't fully see her smile — it was shielded by her arms, but he could hear it in her voice.

"Evidence being just one road trip with me," he tried to defend himself, but essentially she was right. He did like Chris' music.

"Oh that was evidence enough Mr. H, ouu, I like that. That's finna be your new name, Mr. H, or just H.” she glanced his way again, and managed to see his silent chuckle.

"You know nicknames means you feel very affectionate towards me, or is it about me?" this time he smirked, keeping his position right at the entrance.

"Sweetpea wasn't very affectionate, now was it?" she raised an eyebrow, but he didn't fail to send a response her way.

"Do you want me to stop calling you Sweetpea?" he had her stuck in a corner, because on one hand, she used to be annoyed by the very sound of it. Now, it was a reminder of where they'd come from, that faithful evening where she slightly lost her religion with him, and he simply provoked her further.

"No," she rolled her eyes, looking elsewhere because she couldn't believe that she'd out rightly admitted to that.

"I thought so sweetpea, you feel very affectionate towards me," he finally moved away from the entrance, and she let out a scoff.

"You're such a conceited human being sometimes," she mumbled, but she intended for him to hear it.

"Of course sister girl, I know my worth," he retorted, but the way he said it brought laughter out of Shane's mouth and he ended up joining her.

"Ugh, please go back to being annoying so I can hate you again,"

"On a serious note, thanks for staying. I appreciate the extra hours put in."

"It's my pleasure Mr. Hayes. I can be quite the good employee when I want to be," a small smile came up on her face, as her ears went back to listening to the music. She surely thought this would be the end of their conversation.

"Are you good after the whole Michael situation?" but it clearly wasn't.

"I just need to reset. I don't really want to dwell on it," she honestly responded, realizing now that he was genuinely someone who cared for people when he did not dislike them.

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