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Analia Rayne ||

We've made it back home and the rain has calmed down.

Ryder opens the door to the apartment building. He's holding my shoes, my purse and his shoes in his hands while I carry the box. He presses our floor number and we get in.

Ryder stands next to me and I lean in closer laying my head on his arm, since I can't reach his shoulder. I sigh.

The elevator dings opening up and I walk out first and he follows behind. We walk into the apartment and Gio, Belle and Apollo are in the living room.

"Woah, what happened to you guys?" Gio asks standing up from the couch.

"What does it look like?" Ryder snarks at him.

"That you guys went for a swim." Ryder rolls his eyes dropping our things on the island. I walk towards the living room with the box in my hand.

Belle is the first to ask what it is, "What's in there?"

I look behind me expecting Ryder to be at the kitchen but he's really behind me. I jump a little giving him a smile before opening it. Belle gasps excitedly. Gio leans in and he starts jumping around. Apollo then looks and he groans sitting back down. Hater.

"Oh my god! Where did you get it?" Belle asks looking at little Sebby in aw.

"When we were at the park we found it by a tree. It was raining and I couldn't leave it there to die. So Ryder and I decided to take it in."

"Gio! I jinxed it! I told Gio we should get a pet cause it's lonely in here and look! A kitten!" Belle shouts. We all shush her and she falls back down. Then she sneezes.

"You okay?" Apollo asks her.

"I'm just a tad allergic to cats. Nothing serious! I just sneeze but I could get stuff for that right?" Then she looks at Gio. He nods his head. "Can I hold him?" I nod my head and she carefully picks up Sebastian who's wrapped in a t-shirt.

Gio walks over to me eyeing me up and down, "Like the outfit, new style you're trying out?"

"Yup. What do you think?" I give him a spin.

"I like it," He says. I giggle and look at Ryder who's already looking at me. A smile naturally forms on my face.

"Looks like you two made up," Gio smiles happily walking to the kitchen. I follow behind him.

"Yeah we did. Tonight went well but I think we're taking things slow between us. Fixing everything along the way, you know?" He nods his head understanding.

"Ana!" Belle calls out. "What's the kitten's name?"

"Sebastian. Sebby for short." She nods her head and goes back to the kitten. Apollo stands up from his chair and sits next to Belle who scoots over for him. They both hover over the kitten gushing over it. Yes, Apollo gushing over a kitten. Who would've thought.

Belle looks up from the kitten and stares at Apollo. Apollo doesn't see what she's doing because he's too busy looking at the cat. Her cheeks turn pink until she sees that I see and she looks back at Sebastian.

Endless Addiction | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now