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1 new notification: @sophie_fossboss89 sent you 3 new messages

sophie_fossboss89: active two minutes ago

biana! keefe asked me to the dance!! I said yes!!

Wait, u aren't mad at me right? Im rlly sorry!!

I know u wanted to ask him... if ur mad, i can call him and tell him nvm ://

read 12:36 pm

Biana bit her lip. If only Sophie had sent her messages earlier...

"Hi, could I have a cappuccino, please?" a voice asked.

Biana looked up so quickly that she felt her neck crack. The boy on the opposite end of the counter looked at her shyly, his hands shoved in his pockets and his dark bangs, tipped with silver, covering half his silvery blue eyes. She felt like she recognized him from somewhere- school, maybe -but Biana couldn't place a name to the face.

"Sure!" Her voice came out embarrassingly high pitched. "Is that it for your order?"

The boy hesitated. "Well, maybe an iced Americano too." He turned away, glancing at a pretty, dark-haired girl standing in the corner.

Biana's heart sank for the second time. "Oh. Is she your girlfriend?"

What a dumb thing to ask! And definitely not professional either. Why was she supposed to care about the dating lives of her customers?

But Tam just shrugged. "No, that's my sister, Linh. My name's Tam."

"Oh, okay." Biana tried not to show her relief as she started on the drinks. "I'm Biana. Biana Vacker."

She could feel Tam's eyes watching her as she poured the milk into the blender, added the cream, and poured the warm beverage into a cup. She grabbed a thin Sharpie and scribbled Tam- cappuccino ♥ with her Instagram handle underneath. Okay, maybe it wasn't the most subtle, but he was cute and she was desperate.

Tam's eyes flitted to the two drinks as Biana handed them to him. She could see his slight blush as he read the writing.

Biana smiled, taking the money. "Have a nice day!"

"Thanks," Tam mumbled, looking flustered as he stumbled away.

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