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"Are you sure there's nothing I can do to help? I don't want you to have to do all the work."

Dex rearranged the multicolored gears, adjusting the contraption of wires and buttons. "It's okay. I like this sort of stuff, remember? Besides, it's nice to have some company."

"I guess so." Biana tipped her chair backwards until its front two legs lifted off the ground. "Just let me know if you need anything."

She felt bad letting Dex take the lead with the project, though it wasn't like she could do any better. Programming? Engineering? None of it were Biana's strengths. And besides, she was too busy thinking about her conversation with Tam yesterday.

Biana hadn't checked the homecoming polls lately: if she had, she might've realized that Stina had mysteriously gained hundreds of votes in a single day. According to Tam- who found out from an "unknown source" that he refused to reveal -Stina had found a way to rig the votes in her favor. Tam confronted Stina after school, but she played dumb, insisting she had no idea what he was talking about. 

Biana felt her heart do a little cartwheel in her chest. Tam confronted Stina to defend her? He was definitely a keeper.

"Hey Dex?" Biana said abruptly, tilting forward so her chair was in a normal position. "Is it possible to hack into a school website and... I don't know, change up the homecoming polls?"

Dex stopped typing, looking up at her slowly. "Biana... you're not thinking about rigging the votes, right?"

His disappointed expression made her cheeks flush. "No, of course not! I would never do that!"

Dex shifted uncomfortably, clearing his throat. "Well... you wouldn't have to hack into the school website, technically. That would be too much work. All you have to do is get into the form- the voting form that people use to register their votes and change up the numbers. Why do you ask?"

 "Oh, nothing!" The words came out as a high pitched squeak. Biana cleared her throat. "I mean, nothing. Just wondering for a friend."

"Okayyyy," Dex said, dragging out the word. His periwinkle eyes blinked at her, then returned back to his computer screen.

Biana sighed. It's not worth it. Who even needs to be homecoming queen anyways? What a petty thing to obsess over. Besides, the important thing is that you're going with Tam, and all your friends will be there, and you'll have a great time. Nothing else.

1 new notification: "tam <3" texted you two new messages

im sorry about all the stina drama :(

we're good tho... right???


dw abt it

tnx again for letting me know <3

so excited for homecoming w u :)

read 10:39 am

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