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"Biana, I'm sorry. I really am. Ever since that video got released, I have no idea what's been happening. At all. Nobody used to know who I was, and then I basically became class clown, and now I'm the captain of Foxfire's varsity football team and I- I really wish I could explain. But I honestly don't know how it happened. Can I please- please make it up to you?"

That's what Biana was hoping for- then maybe, you know, an "I really like you... can we start over?" or even a "Hey, want to go to homecoming with me?" 

Instead, Tam's voice said flatly through the phone, "Yeah, what do you need?"

Biana shook her head. She already knew how this conversation was going to go. And it wasn't heading in a good direction.

"I don't know Tam, I guess I'm just confused, that's all. I know that everything going on with you  has nothing to do with me, but I guess I just... I wanted to know where we are, you know?"

There was silence on the other hand. Biana bit her lip.

"Hey, are you taking anyone to the dance next week?" Tam asked abruptly, like he hadn't even heard what Biana said.

She lit up hopefully. Maybe this wasn't going to go as badly as she had thought....

"Oh no! Not at all." Biana paused, her voice turning sly. Her flirting was a little rusty, but she could still nail the voice. "Why, were you thinking of taking anyone?"

"Well, there is someone," Tam admitted, sounding embarrassed. "I guess I just haven't worked up the guts to ask her."

Biana sighed. Of course. Now that Tam was the hot new Foxfire football team captain, he couldn't afford to waste his time on silly little cafe girls like her. Still, Biana managed to put some sort of energy in her voice as she said, "I think you should go for it. Totally. I'm sure she'll say yes."

Okay, maybe she should've been a little more heavy on the enthusiasm.

"I guess so... "

"You have fun though, okay? Tell me how it goes with her."


Biana hung up and almost threw her phone across the room. Great. More wasted time and still no date. Besides, it didn't help that Tam's silver bangs refused to leave her head.

A ping lit up her phone screen and Biana barely dragged herself the three inches it took to check the notification- until she saw who had texted her.

1 new notification: "tam <3" texted you two new messages


u wanna go to homecoming with me?? :)

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