Chapter 7: Declaration Of War

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Mia: "C-Come on... k-keep it under control...."

I was in my dorm room in the bathroom, trying so hard to keep my shapeshifting in check. My body was trying to change again, like before right after Lucy was saved from Cerberus. My body kept resisting my will. I leaned over on the sink, looking into the mirror as I watched my body change.

Mia: "S-Stay.... Inside...!"

Finally, I managed to return my body to its normal state. My forehead was dripping with sweat, my body trembling.

Mia: "I... I-I think I need a shower..."

I hopped in the shower quick, which helped me calm down a bit. Afterwards, I changed into my pajamas and sat down on my couch. I pulled out my phone and started stalking Adrian.

Okay, before you say anything, I wasn't stalking him. I was just hacking into his phone to access his camera so I could see what he was up to.


Shut up!

So when I went to hack into his phone, the camera showed me what the phone would see. When the video finally came on, I saw him sitting on his couch, eating a cherry popsicle. His lips were red, as if he'd been wearing lipstick.

I wish I was there to tease him about that...

Suddenly, he sighed and started talking to himself.

Adrian: "Why does Mia have to tease me all the time... I want to hang out with her, but it's so difficult when she makes me blush every 5 seconds..."

He held out his hand and formed a small figure out of snow. It was an exact replica of me.

He made it disappear and leaned his head back on the couch.

Adrian: "I don't know what to do..."

He picked up his phone and started going through something, probably his photos. He stopped on one and smiled while blushing slightly. But then his smile faded.

Adrian: "Why am I so afraid to tell—"

Suddenly, my door opened and Terran ran inside. I quickly put my phone down before I could hear what Adrian was about to say.

Terran looked extremely panicked.

Mia: "What's wrong?"

Terran: "Sorry to burst into a girl's room, but the Gods need to see us, now"

Before I could even react, an explosion rang through my ears as the wall to my dorm room exploded, engulfing me in a fiery explosion.


I awoke to Idril cuddling me extremely close, a little too close, but she looked so peaceful in her sleep. Her elf tail was wrapped around my waist, so I had no way of getting out. So I just sat there and kept her comfortable until she finally woke up.

She opened her eyes and blinked a few times before realizing how close our faces were. She blushed slightly and backed away.

Idril: "S-Sorry, Lucy. Good morning"

Lucy: "Morning, Idril"

I rubbed the top of her head before getting up and stretching. Then, I remembered last night with Terran. If only that could've lasted longer... it was just the two of us, alone, talking. I'm actually kind of glad at the same time it didn't last too long, it was only a matter of time I said something stupid and embarrassed myself.

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