Chapter 8: Only A Mortal

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The second I heard about what happened to Mia, I sprinted to the infirmary faster than I've ever ran in my life. Once I arrived, I saw Aphrodite and Idril standing around the medical bed Mia was laying on.

Aphrodite was the also one of the many school nurses, since she knew everything about the human body. Idril also helped out since she had healing abilities.

I rushed over to Mia's side. She was still out cold and she had dust and dirt all over her clothes. She had bruises and cuts all over her face too. I didn't even realize I started crying. Idril wrapped her arms around me.

Idril: "A-Adrian, she'll be okay. She just needs some time to recover"

Adrian: "W-Who did this to her?"

Idril: "We don't know, but the Headmasters are having a war meeting"

Adrian: "W-War meeting?"

Aphrodite: "The one's who attacked us are from what we believe to be a surviving Demigod school"

Adrian: "I thought they were all wiped out"

Idril: "So did we, but the two who attacked us are definitely Demigods"

I was so angry at that moment, I wanted them to pay for what they did to Mia. Without realizing it, my body started to become covered in frost. Idril had to let go of me.

Idril: "Ahhh!!"

I looked over at her and saw her hand had frost on it.

Adrian: "I-Idril!! I-I'm sorry!! H-Hold still"

I placed my hand over here and the frost faded away.

Idril: "I-It's okay, I know the ice is hard to control"

I dug into my pockets and pulled out a pair of thick gloves. I then put them over my hands.

Idril rubbed my back.

Idril: "Your mother and father want to see you. They're in the Greek wing. They've been wanting to talk to you for a while"

Adrian: "O-Okay, are you sure your hands are okay?"

Idril: "They're fine, I promise"

She gave me the sweetest smile.

Idril: "I'll take care of Mia, she should be on her feet later today"

Adrian: "Thank you, Idril, so much"

I walked out of the infirmary, looking back at the doorway to see Mia's unconscious body. I couldn't hold my tears back anymore, so I just ran out of the building. I hated crying, because when I did, the tears that came out of my eyes started freezing into shards of ice.

After calming myself down, I found myself in the Greek wing. I walked behind the massive pantheon that made up the main building and walked into the apartment area of the Greek wing. I walked a few rooms down until I found their apartment. I unlocked the door and went inside.

I saw Mom and Dad sitting together on the couch. They were watching some anime movie, however when they saw me, they paused it.

Mom got up and wrapped her arms around me.

Frostine: "I heard about what happened to Mia. You weren't hurt, were you?"

Adrian: "I wish I was... instead of her..."

Kaito: "Mia's strong, she'll pull through"

Adrian: "I hope..."

They brought me over to the couch and had me sit between them. However Mom kept her arms around me.

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