Chapter 20: Amazon Elite

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Mia had informed us about his encounter with Seth. Immediately, I was worried about him. I knew how much he wanted to get revenge for his mother, I could even see the pain still lingering in his eyes. Lucas looked over at me and nodded.

Lucas: "Yuna, you and Lily will help me with the trap. Idril, you come too"

Mia: "What about Adrian and I?"

Lucas: "Relax, you two look tired"

Yuna: "I'm tired too!"

Lucas smacked her on the back of her head.

Lucas: "Come on"

Though Yuna didn't like it, all of them walked off, leaving Mia and I alone.

Mia: "What was that about?"

Adrian: "Mia... we need to talk"

Suddenly, the sound of police sirens rang around us.

Mia: "Later, let's go somewhere private"

He grabbed onto me and formed wings on his back, shooting us high into the air.

I may or may not have screamed like a girl, but even Demigods can be afraid of heights.

We landed on a nearby rooftop to keep an eye on the situation. By the time the police arrived, all of the Amazons were gone.

Mia: "We're safe up here, we'll chill here until Lucas and the others are ready"

He sat down on the ground.

Mia: "So what's up?"

Adrian: "I'm worried about you..."

Mia: "Why? I'm fine"

Adrian: "I've known you long enough to tell when you aren't. I can see it in your eyes"

Mia: "There's nothing wrong with me"

I wanted to argue, however I knew I would end up losing.

Adrian: "Mia... please..."

I sat down on a pipe.

Adrian: "Seeing Seth again lit a fire in your eyes that hasn't burnt out. You look like you're ready to snap at any second"

Mia: "Adrian..."

He sighed and sat down next to me.

Mia: "I don't want to keep secrets from you. I'm absolutely furious and I need to make sure Seth gets what he deserves. Every time I think about him, I wanna claw his eyes out. But..."

Adrian: "Don't fall victim to your own rage. You saw how that went for me... But having control is what gives us strength. We never cross that line of revenge"

Mia: "How can you say that?! How can you tell me not to get revenge!!"

Adrian: "We have to be better than that! If we go for revenge, we're just as bad as they are! We'll go to any length to get it!"

Mia: "So what?! Would you rather I just let him get away with it?!"

Adrian: "There's a right and wrong way to go about this. You're blinded by your rage"


I stayed silent.

Mia: "Both of your parents are still alive!! So don't even try to act like you understand anything I'm going through!!!"

Adrian: "Mia..."

Mia: "What?!"

I stood up and spread my arms open.

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