Chapter 4: Assembling The Team

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After the explosion, I had ran out of my class and searched for Lucy. I knew that if the school was being attacked, she'd be the target. However when I got there, the battle was already over. I saw Cerberus trapped in the earth and a boy holding a ruby out for Lucy.

I don't even know what's happening, but I ship it already.

Lucy seemed frozen in place, so the boy just put the ruby in her hand and waved goodbye. I quickly ran over to her when he was gone. I grabbed her shoulders and shook her a little. Her face was beet red and she looked like she was in a daze.

Mia: "Lucy! Snap out of it!"

She finally regained her senses and looked around.

Lucy: "W-Where did—"

Mia: "You've been here for less than a day and you already have a boyfriend"

Lucy's face burned red again.

Lucy: "W-What do you mean?! N-No!"

Mia: "I saw the way you were looking at him"

I grew a smug grin.

Mia: "Someone's got a crush~"

Lucy: "N-No I don't!!!"

Yuna called out to us, running full speed towards us.

Yuna: "Are you okay?!"

Lucy: "Y-Yeah, fine. Just a little shaken up"

Mia: "She has a crush~"

Lucy: "W-What?! No I don't!!"

Yuna grinned.

Yuna: "One of my Demigod powers is emotion reading, you definitely have a crush on him~"

Lucy: "S-Shut up!! H-He's so cute...!!"

Mia: "If he's so cute, what's his name?"

Lucy: "It's— wait, I never got his name"

Mia: "I haven't seen him around the school very much, only every now and then. Never talked to him"

Yuna: "He's the son of an earth God, but I'm not sure which"

Lucy looked down at the ruby in her hand.

Lucy: "H-He gave me this, too"

Yuna: "It's so pretty!! Can I have it?"

Lucy: "N-No! He gave it to me"

Mia: "Welp, I probably have detention later, since I left class like that. So I don't get into more trouble, I should head back. Yuna, take care of her, please"

Yuna: "Sure!"

Lucy: "What about Cerberus?"

The hellhound could be heard squirming to get free from the ground.

Mia: "Leave it to the Gods, they'll deal with it"

I smacked Lucy on the back of her head.

Mia: "Don't get into anymore trouble, idiot"

Before she could respond, I walked away.

As I walked through the halls, my body started to feel weird. My limbs felt weak as my head grew dizzy. I quickly ran into the girl's bathroom and turned on the sink. I splashed my face with some cold water and looked into the mirror. My body was changing in front of my eyes, and not on purpose.

My chest started to flatten and my hair shortened a little. My... special place... started to change as well. My skirt transformed into a pair of long black jeans.

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