Chapter 13: Collection

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I had heard stories about a girl my Mom used to know back when they were kids. She described her as a small girl that always wore a pink dress, like she was some kind of princess. She had bright green hair and half of her face was filled with decay. She also would be holding a small bunny plush in her arms.

Though this girl was obviously older, there was no doubt it was the same person. Deidamia.

She looked straight at Lucy, her eyes emotionless.

Deidamia: "You remind me of someone, someone I used to care for"

She pointed at Lucy.

Deidamia: "I'm not allowed to kill you, but as your mother knows, there are much worse things than death"

The ground beneath us started to rumble. Just then, long bony arms shot out from the ground. A massive army of skeletons rose from the ground and had completely surrounded us.

Yuna: "S-Skeletons?! She's a necromancer!!"

Mia looked over at me.

Mia: "Can't you do the same?"

Lucas: "I can, but not the way she can. I'm lucky to summon five, let alone an army"

Deidamia: "I will ride your corpses down the River Lithe"

The skeletons charged us, rusty weapons in hand.

Yuna had formed her twin katana and went straight into combat. She parried and blocked sword after sword, slicing through the skeletons with ease. She was definitely skilled in combat, I'll give her that.

Even Lucy got in on the fight, parrying the blades with her own dagger, disarming the skeletons and thrusting the dagger right into their heads.

While they were handling the skeletons, Lily and Seth were going head to head. I guess Dad did more damage to him than Seth was letting on. His reaction speed was slower and his strength had weakened. Lily was actually getting some good hits in, even making Seth bleed a bit.

I knew vampires were powerful, but I never thought they would be on the level of the Gods. Then again, there was something special about her.

Seth lashed out and made a huge gash along Lily's arm with his razor sharp claws. Instead of screaming out in pain, she swung her arm, making all of the blood flow out. Suddenly, the blood hardened, forming a large arm blade out of blood.

Seth: "Haemokinesis, huh? This is a first!!"

Seth's eyes went wide with insanity, charging back into the fight with more energy than before. However Lily was more determined than ever. She wounded Seth all over his body, none of them healing. If this kept up, Seth would lose eventually.

Meanwhile, the others were still dealing with the skeleton army. However pretty soon, the army had become nothing but a pile of bones.

Yuna: "That wasn't so tough!"

Deidamia giggled a little too herself, a creepy giggle that sent chills down your spine.

Deidamia: "Did you think that's all I could do?"

She thrusted her hand out towards the field of bones and closed her hand into a fist. The bones that lay on the ground began to shake as tremble. They then started to move to one another, forming something even bigger and more hideous.

They had formed a larger skeleton, larger than the Gods in their true form. It had four, massive bony arms with claws that could pierce the toughest metals. It's jaw was able to unhinge like that of a snake. Its glowing red eyes made even my legs tremble.

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