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Y/Ns P.O.V:

It's been about a month since I told Dabi I like him. We have grown closer and I like him even more.

The league has stayed on the down low so none of us have really done any villain type things for awhile.

Elijah hasn't tried to contact me yet.

My phone lit up. I put my book down and checked it. There was a message from Shigaraki in the group chat. He wanted us to meet him in his office. I got up from my desk and headed up to his office.

I was the last one to walk into the room. Everyone was standing around in a circle. I stood next to Dabi. He briefly placed his hand on my lower back in greeting.

"Ok let's get this meeting started." Began Shigaraki. "We want to keep an eye on who the new heroes will be soon. I found a perfect way to do that."

"How?" Asked Toga.

Shiaraki pointed at me. "Y/N."

I crossed my arms. "What are you talking about?"

"You are fluent in english right?" He asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

"There is a teaching position available at UA high for an English teacher. You will take that position."

"You want me to be a teacher at UA?" I asked slowly.


"Absolutely not." Said Dabi from beside me. Everyone looked at him.

"And why not?" Shigaraki asked Dabi.

"Because it's all heroes that work there. Last time I checked Y/N isn't a hero."

"I know that. We are going to make up fake paperwork and certificates to say she's a hero. Her backstory will be that she lived in America until a few months ago. So she went to a hero school in America and got certified there. Plus she has her suit and support items so she will look legit."

"This sounds like a horrible idea." I said. "Plus I don't even know the first thing about teaching."

"Well you know how to speak English so just teach the brats how."

"This is probably our best chance to spy on the heroes." Said Twice.

I was silent for a moment. "Fine."

"Good! I will help you fill out the application later to make sure you get the facts right."

I nodded.

"Meeting dismissed." Shigaraki said.

We all left the room and headed in separate directions. Dabi followed me all the way to my room. I held open the door for him.

When I shut the door he turned to me. "I don't want you to do that."

"I know. I don't want to either because I am not qualified to be a teacher and I would be surrounded by heroes and heroes to be. But you have to admit it's a good plan to spy on them."

"Yeah but I don't want you to get hurt."

I smiled at him. "Don't underestimate me." I said.

"I am not but I just don't want you to be in danger."

"I should be alright. I am a pretty good actress so I should be able to hopefully play the part."

He didn't smile.

"Doesn't your youngest brother go to UA?"


"Who is it?"

"I can't tell you that."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want you to know my family."

Normally someone would probably be offended if the person they liked said that but I know they aren't really his family anymore. Plus his family is pretty fucked up. "Okay." I said.

"Twice and I are patrolling soon so I need to go get ready."

I nodded and he left the room.

"How old are you?" Asked Shigaraki.

I stared at him. "You are really going to ask that?"

He looked back at the computer. "Fine twenty it is. Have you ever taught before? Yes. Have you ever worked as a pro hero? Yes." He continued to read out questions and answer them for me. Most of them were lies. I had never taught before or worked as a pro hero.

"Ok now I am going to upload this resume Twice and I created it along with a digital copy of your hero license. Perfect and submit. There, your application to UA is submitted." He looked at me.

"Great. Now I just need to learn how to teach English."

"You are helping out the league so don't sound so annoyed."

"Sorry I don't want to be surrounded by annoying heroes and heroes to be."

"I know it honestly sounds like hell but we need it."

"I know."

"Thank you for doing it though."


"I have a question for you." He said.


"Are you and Dabi together?"

"No, why?"

"Well earlier he stuck up for you. Plus you two just seem like there's something going on."

I shrugged. "We like each other but we aren't together."

He smiled. "Ah I see."

"Yeah. Well let me know if they get back to you about the application."

"I will."

I stood up and left the room. I decided on going to the training room. 

Blue Darkness (DabixReader)Where stories live. Discover now