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Shigaraki stood in the front of the group as we left the room. We made it up to the main floor when three heroes rounded the corner.

We stopped in our tracks.

Endeavor stood in the middle with Sir Nighteye on his right and Mirko on his left.

"It would have been nice for Epitome to join us." Mirko said, annoyed to Endeavor.

So that's why he called me.

"Endeavor." Shigaraki said, pulling his attention away from Mirko. "So we meet again."

"Are you going to do this the hard or the easy way?" Endeavor asked. His mouth set in a frown.

Shigaraki tilted his head. "What do you think?"

All of a sudden Dabi stepped in front of me and shot out fire at the three hero's. Mirko jumped out of the way and Sir Nighteye ducked. Endeavor shot out fire to meet Dabis.

Twice ran forward and kicked Mirko in the chest, causing her to stumble backward.

Toga, Sam and I ran forward past the heroes.

"Oh no you don't!" Yelled Endeavor.

We ran to the front door and found that the front door had been kick in, and was currently laying on the stairs in front of where the door should be.

Endeavor shot fire at where the door should be so we couldn't get out.

I grabbed Toga and Sam's wrists, pulling them behind me. I have no idea if this will work but I seriously hope it does.

Endeavor focused his attention on me.

Dabi and Shigaraki ran into the entryway, Sir Nighteye and Mirko on their heels.

Endeavor looked at me with confusion before he blasted his fire at me.

"No!" Dabi screamed.

The fire hit my darkness but did not penetrate it. I smirked.

Dabi ran next to me and blasted his fire against Endeavors.

I extended my darkness over to Dabis ear, creating a tunnel so only Dabi could hear me. If the other heroes heard my voice, they would know who I am.

"His fire cannot go through my darkness." I said. I pulled my darkness back.

Dabi looked at me for a moment before nodding. He continued to use his fire against Endeavors as he stepped behind me. Then his fire disappeared.

I threw up a wall of darkness and took steps backward.

Once the league was on the front porch of the house I sealed the doorway with my darkness. "Go to the car." I said quickly.

The league turned and ran toward the van except for Dabi.

"Dabi don't fucking test me. Go." I commanded.

He hesitated but turned and ran to the car.

I could feel the heat from Endeavors fire against my darkness. I took a breath and turned and ran.

The darkness seal on the door frame disappeared after I ran a few feet. It caused the darkness encasing me to waver slightly just as Endeavor shot fire toward me. His fire hit my right arm and I hissed through my teeth but continued to run.

I reached the van. Dabi reached his hand out and I took it. Dabi hauled me into the van as Kurogiri floored the car.

I heard the van door slam shut as Dabi held me tightly to his chest.

The darkness around me evaporated. I sighed and climbed out of Dabis' lap. I sat down next to him and leaned my head back. My arm fucking hurt.

Dabi grabbed my wrist and extended my arm. I let out a yelp. "You said his fire wouldn't hurt you." Dabi said angrily.

"Is Y/N hurt?" Shigaraki twisted from the front seat. His eyes widened when he looked at my arm. "Fuck."

I had yet to look at my arm but I knew it was bad from how much it hurt.

Sam leaned over me to look at my arm. "Goddamn Y/N. Why would you put yourself in front of us?"

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to focus on my breathing. My body felt like it was on fire.

"Y/N?" Dabi said from beside me. "Y/N!"

"I am fine." I grit out.

"Hurry Kurogiri!" Toga yelled from behind me. "She needs a doctor!"

I opened my eyes. Black spots swarmed my vision.

"Its going to be okay." Dabi said. I felt him push some hair off of my face.

I met his icy blue eyes for a split second before everything went black. 

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