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Laying on the dirty, stone cold, these two names were all I could think of as I stared at my family home, and the whole village with it burn down to ashes.

Being unable to move, I stared at the house falling from each other, bit by bit.

Barely managed to get out of the house alive before the sturdy planks fell on top of me and started burning my skin. I managed to get out before the fire inside got any worse.

Slowly raising up, I was now sitting and had the chance to get a better look around myself.


Corpses everywhere.


The screams of terror filled my ears as I saw another man being slaughtered... right in front of me.

The blood hit my face with a splash. That was the first time in my life I witnessed murder. I was 16.

The one behind the mass murder didn't even pay attention to me, probably thinking I was a goner already so he didn't even bother checking if I was dead or just unconscious.

His long silver hair illuminated the flamesing glow of the fire, as he continually walked through the village, killing anyone that dared cross his path.

Sephiroth, the great hero. A hero many looked up to, both young and old. Many boys in my village wanted to become like him. A SOLDIER 1st class. So did the boy I grew up with and later fell in love with...

But he left almost a year ago. I haven't heard from him since. The night before he disappeared he visited me... and I was hoping that night made us become one. That we finally understood each other. I've never had a better night sleep... the warmth of his body close to mine... I've never felt safer before.

All the good thoughts and feelings left me instantly when I realized he wasn't beside me anymore when I woke up.

Mother left a week before that happened, and to this day... have I not seen her.

I consider her dead now.

She left saying she was going to visit a friend in Kalm, but she never returned, nor did she send me any letters.

An evacuation team from ShinRa was sent to Nibelheim to help the ones that survived the massacre... which wasn't a lot.

They gave us food and other supplies to survive, but that's as far as their kindness went.

Very few managed to get to Midgar to survive, me included.

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