♡Ch.4 - "Now that was a gunshot"

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"Run for your life. Don't let anyone take the materia from you. Keep it to yourself, tell no one about it."

A few days has passed since the meeting with AVALANCHE. From that day, we barely had time to see each other because of how busy everyone was preparing for bombing another reactor.

I myself had little to prepare for, which gave me time to sleep off all the restless nights I had for the past few days. Or more, that was my plan.

These nightmares have been with me for as long as I can remember, never letting go.

I've slowly tried to come to a conclusion on what these nightmares mean, but I've never found any clues that could help me make up one.

One thing was for sure; my death in most of those nightmares was unstoppable.

Most of the nightmares are like flashes of my possible deaths, and I myself have experienced near death situations similiar to the scenarios I've been having nightmares of.

After those experiences, the nightmares of that particular scene would stop, but new ones would come. New scenarios, new death scenarios.

I was hoping that this night would be calm, and I would finally be able to get some good night sleep. Oh how wrong I was.

Waking up the next day, I felt worse than ever. I really wanted to just curl up in bed and don't go anywhere, but I heard a commotion outside of my house, so I stepped out to see who it was.

"Come on don't be so cold!"


I peeked curiously behind my door, only to find Cloud and Jessie walking past the neighbourhood I was living in. He looked like he has been fighting for days non stop while Jessie continued to babble cheerfully. It was late at night, but sure that woman has got some energy with her.

Apparently they noticed me, because Jessie waved at me with a big grin plastered on her face. A few seconds later a light bulb light up above her head, as an idea came swimmingly to her, she waved me over to both of them. Curiously, I locked the door of my house and made my way outside to those two.

"Do I dare ask what you two are up to?"

Jessie only giggled as she linked her arm with Cloud's, who immediately made a disgusted face and tried to shake the brunette off his arm.

"Oh why, we are on a date as you can see!"


Something clicked inside of me, but I was unsure what. It was minor anyways, so I didn't pay much attention to it. For sure not after how badly spiky tried to get the bubbly girl off him, completely oblivious to her statement. I just stared at those two in amusement and couldn't help but let out chuckle.

"And the exact reason why you called me over is so I could be the fifth wheel?~ or if is for some other reason, I'm sorry I don't swing that way." Both of us laughed while Cloud just stared at the two of us confused, only later realising what we have been joking about and finally found the force to get free from Jessie's grip.

She pouted but let him go either way, her signature smile returning to her face as she turned around to face me again.

"Truth is... I asked Cloud to help me with some stuff. But since you've caught us why not tag along?"

"In Our Universe..." Cloud Strife X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now