♡Ch. 5 - All's Well That Ends Well

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"I won't hesitate... so... put it all on me. Put all your pain on me. Put it all on my heart. You saved me multiple times, so let me save you from whatever is burdening you. That's what best friends are for, right?"



I opened my eyes and looked up at Aerith, who was currently braiding and playing with my hair as I uncontrollably fell asleep in her lap.


She shook her head and brushed my hair out of my neck, gently brushing her fingertips over the bruises on my neck. Her gentle and soft features turning into a slight frown.

"What is it?" I looked at her worryingly and she simply sighed and shook her head.

"Nothing. Simply worried about those bruises on your neck... they don't seem to be healing well. Tell me who did that to you so I can beat the crap outta them!" She huffed at the end of her statement, making me giggle and tackle her down into a hug. Laying in the soft, green grass outside of her house, flowers surrounding the both of us as we simply enjoyed each other's embrace.

"They will be gone soon enough, so stop worrying you worry wart. Anyways getting hurt is part of my work, I can't expect any less than that."

She simply sighed and nodded her head, resting her head against mine.

"I guess you're right... I'm still hoping you'll retire soon enough and find a stable and less hurtful job... remember my little business is open for accepting new workers!" She said the last thing cheerfully as to trying to buy me over. I understood what she was trying to do and laughed wholeheartedly.

"You worry too much. I've done this for years! But who knows maybe in the future I won't have the force to continue anymore, so I hope the offer will be open for a while~ a long one!"

Her gaze dropped when I declined at first but her eyes sparkled once again when I said the last thing, nodding her head vigorously and happily grinned at me.

"For you, my love, always~"

"For the love of Cetra, Aerith... but that was a smooth one." We both laughed and continued to relax in the gardens before Elmyra called us back for lunch.

Sitting down, we both cintinued chatting happily about various things without an end, earning a chuckle from Elmyra as the three of us sat by the dining table, enjoying the fantastic meal made by the blonde.

"Y/n sweetie... I've really been wondering about these bruises on your neck... you've had them for quite some time yet they still didn't fade away." Said Elmyra with a quite worried expression and voice as she stared at me from across the table. I just smiled and sighed.

"Aerith is worried sick too. I said this once and I'm saying it again, it truly is nothing serious. Just a few small bruises that's all! Them taking their time does not mean it's anything serious."

Even though I said that, the two women before me stared at me worryingly. Aerith just pouted at the end and crossed her arms, turning towards her mother.

"I am one hundred percent sure someone did this to her, but she refuses to tell me who!!" Said the brunette while huffing at the end. Elmyra simply chuckled and patted her daughter's head softly before turning to me.

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