♡Ch. 6 - Hopes and Dreams

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Cloud's POV:

"You good there buddy?"


"Hey, wake up."

"Yeah yeah..."

"She is gonna get real worried if you decide to just sleep here, acting dead."

"Mnm... who now?"


Confused, I opened my eyes and stared into the white space. Sitting up, I tensed up as a hand was placed on my shoulder, I slowly turned my head around to face the figure behind me.

My breath hitched, stopping in my throat as the light around me slowly started turning dark until it was pitch black. The only thing I was able to see in the pitch black space was the man behind me, smirking at me.

A cold sweat ran down my forehead and back, as my eyes wavered, unable to comprehend what I was seeing nor what was happening. A cold-hearted smirk rose on the face of the figure that stood behind me. A figure I knew all too well, yet wished I didn't.

"Come on, Cloud. Can't remember the oh so called love of your life?"

Sephiroth smiled a creepy, dark smile before dispersing into thin air.

I groaned loudly in pain as I grabbed my head, falling to my knees. My fingertips digging into my skin as they slowly curled, gripping my hair tightly in the palms of my hands.

The headache was unbearable. My head was pounding so much as sudden flashes started flying before my eyes yet I was unable to make out who the people in those flashes were.


"Come on Cloud! The best way to celebrate a birthday is to simply eat a lot of sweets and just laugh and play!! Also, who needs many friends anyways? I have enough with only you. I hope the same goes for you. Now let's go! Our mothers said the cake should be ready about now! Come on Come on!"

A warm hand curled around mine into a soft yet firm grip before starting to drag me. I stared at the person before me, bit yet again... I was unable to make out the face of the person.

"Wake up!!"

I shot up from my laying position, breathing a bit heavily as I look around myself, trying to understand where I was. I slowly looked up and found a hole in the roof.

'Guess I fell through that... wait. Huh?!'

I quickly got up and looked beneath me.

'....Don't tell me this freaking bed of flowers is what saved me.'

"Hey hey hey! Be careful of the flowers!" Scolded me the brunette that apparently must have been here from some time, trying to wake me up. I stared at her for a bit before looking back down at the flower bed, slowly making my way off the flowerbed, trying my best not to damage any more flowers. The girl hummed in satisfaction, nodding her head. "Good good! Now tell me, did you get hurt anywhere or?"

"In Our Universe..." Cloud Strife X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now