☆Christmas Special 1.☆

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(Completely unrelated to the main story, this is just for fun. And maybe for those who yearn for a little break from the original and would like another scenario OvO)

Cloud's POV:




'Cold... Damn so cold'

Is all I could think of as I was waiting outside, leaning against the fence that surrounded the playground in Sector 7 Slums as I watched Marlene play around with her friends, who decided to have a little Christmas party of their own before evening which they would spend with their parents and families.

I promised Barret that was going to look after her while he and the others helped around at Seventh Heaven, which currently was filled with people either ordering food for takeaway to share it later with their close ones or enjoying their meals on the spot before they would split for the evening. Not everyone had the leisure to spend Christmas Eve at home, unfortunately.

I carefully looked around a few times from time to time to make sure nothing would disturb the children of their precious playtime. Times haven't been kind lately, so the least the parents could do was let the children play around and roam together with their friends in their fantasy lands, enjoying the little innocence and joy they may have left.

At some point, I had to rub my gloved hands together while softly puffing some breath on them to warm them up.

'Should've looked into getting some warmer clothes... I doubt these are going to be enough from now on.'

Just the thought of having to use any savings on something like clothes made me want to grunt out loud. Such a waste.

Being quite lost in my own fantasy world of the perfect warm place I desired to be in right now, I didn't notice the rest of Marlene's friends already left for their homes and she was already by my legs, tugging at my oversized pants. Startling me a bit, I looked down but quickly calmed down, realising the playtime was over.

"Had fun?" I tried to ask her as gently as possible. She smiled, nodding her head. Luckily, she wasn't as scared of me anymore, and even trusted me with quite a lot of tasks she only trusted her father with.

"Yeah... I'm sad it went over by fast, though..." The four year old sulked a bit, making me crack a light smile. As gently as possible, I ruffled her head before offering her my hand. I guess she wasn't the only one warming up to someone.

"Bet. Come on, I bet your dad wants to see you again soon." She lightly, now more joyous, nodded her head and placed her tiny gloved hand in mine. Whilst quietly walking back together through the buzzing streets of Sector 7, I noticed her tiny head lowered as in deep thoughts. Curious, I looked down at her and slowly slowed my steps down.

"Anything bothering you?" I asked lightly, trying to sound friendly and not to scare her off. She seemed insecure at first before slowly raising her head and gazing at me with her glittering brown orbs.

"...I didn't get anything for Daddy yet..."

"You mean a present?" Marlene nodded her head softly, the pompoms attached to her winter hat through strings bouncing lightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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