♡Ch. 7 - Rules and Goals

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Aerith's POV:

"So... you propose a date to any guy you just meet?"

I giggled as both me and Cloud traveled on top of the local rooftops after we managed to get away from Reno and the ShinRa troops. I shook my head as I waited for him to catch up to me on the other side of the rooftop.

"Not really. But someone did when I saved them. I guess I'm making a loop out of it because I found it adorable when he did it." I chuckled before going on ahead again, my feet dancing on top of the roof tiles as I carefully and gracefully made my way over to the other house, balancing on top of a metal pipe that fell over. "No need to take it seriously if I made you disgusted or somethin- shit!"

As I was walking I accidentally slipped on top of the metal pipe but sigh relived when I regain my balance and after hum happily and continue climbing the rooftops.

"Well, that was a close call. Either way, our destination is over there." I stood on the highest point on one of the rooftops and pointed over at the next part of the Sector to which we have to get to. "Come on! Let's go let's go~" I giggled before jump down from the high point and going over to the ladder, kicking it down before starting to climb down.

"...You're not very talkative are you?" Dropping down, I stepped aside and let him drop down beside me too, watching him quite eagerly to finally make him speak and say something, so I leaned my face closer to his, peeking at it. His cheeks turned lightly pink at the sudden closeness between us and I could not help but giggle.

"I gotta say though, from your looks and character... you do remind me of someone."

He stared at me confused and titled his head to the side slightly.

"In what way?" He asked. I smiled when he finally spoke after all the torture and awkwardness I went through to make him say something. I simply hummed and turned around on one foot, holding my hands behind my back and happily skipped down the self-made stairs that multiple wrecks of different things created.

When I finally stood on the solid ground I turned around to him again and hummed.

"You remind of a man I once knew. You're a SOLDIER, right?"

"Ex SOLDIER" was all he said before making his way down to me. I nodded my head slowly in understandment, crossing my arms above my chest and resting my chin on top of my fist as my elbow rested on my other arm, looking at him.

"You also remind me of someone my friend talked to me about once. She described him as average height, blonde, spiky and unruly hair, huge sword on the back..." I peeked on his back, examinating the oversized sword on Cloud's back. "... Your sword is even like the one he carried."

After a while of silence I noticed the blonde was watching me with curious eyes. Noticing I got pretty gloom very quick, I immediately switched over and smiled at him, putting my hands on my hips.

"That being said, you could very well be his cousin or lil brother for all I know!!" I chuckled before continuing to walk. I turned my head around and smiled at Cloud. "Come on, let's go. My place is not far from here. Night is about to befall, so why not stay over before you continue your way over to Sector 7?"


After arriving at my place, my adoptive mother took care of the cooking and we all ate a nice and warm meal together. After eating, Cloud even agreed to help me with my flower deliveries. On our way back, we encountered a less pleasant surprise.

Being monitored by ShinRa is already a pain in the butt, but being chased by them as soon as you leave your house is even more annoying and unpleasant.

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