♡Ch.8 - Keeping Up The Soldier Act

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Cloud's POV:

I stared down at the half empty cup of tea in my clothed in leather hands as I went over the sudden flashbacks in my head.

'...Just who on the actual hell was that guy...? He seemed... awfully familiar... and my stomach clenches at the thought of him."

Elmyra sat across of the table, arms crossed above her chest as she leaned against the chair she was sitting on. Her face was showing signs of both disapproval but even worry.

"...Drink up before it gets cold. Want another painkiller?"

I shook my head and downed the last bits of the tea left in the cup before wiping my mouth on my glove and raising myself up. Glancing out the window, it was already too dark to see the flowers in their blooming glory growing up the hills and near the waterfal.

Elmyra remained seated on there spot, glancing at me for a few seconds before looking down at her arms again, a soft sigh escaping her lips. "...Go get some rest. Aerith already showed you to the guest room I presume..."

I quietly nodded my head and placed my buster sword on my back before slowly making my way up the stairs, lightly glancing behind me to look at Elmyra. She simply got up from her seat and started cleaning up after dinner. Making no further interactions with her I made my way fully up the stairs, lying on the soft bed inside the guestroom Aerith prepared for me earlier.



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