♡Ch.2 - Homemade Is Homemade!

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I decided to spend today with Aerith. I went over to her house, where I found her mother Elmyra.

She told me Aerith went to complete a few errands of hers around Sector 5 Slums, so off I went to go and find her.

I didn't need to go far, because I found her walking out of the orphanage pretty close to her house. She seemed to be conversing with a woman there, who looked like a caretaker, so I just kept my distance and let those two talk in peace.

After she was done she turned around and noticed me. Giving me her signature, cheerful and sweet smile she ran over me and almost tackled me down to the ground. I couldn't help but laugh as two the of us hugged. I pecked her cheek as a greeting, which she did snd return and the both of us decided to take a walk around the Sector.

"Life going good?"

I nodded my head and softly kicked a rock on the road and hummed softly under my breath.

"You heard about the bombing in Mako Reactor 1?" I turned over to look at her and found her letting out a sigh. Titling my head to the side, I peeked at her face and leaned a bit closer, wondering if I shouldn't have taken up the subject. Realising I was starting to get worried, she only smiled and shook her head.

"Do not fret. It's nothing... simply surprised someone finally had the guts to go up against ShinRa. Though I heard the whole upper plate of that Sector got burned to ashes..."

"Approximately that's what happened. I wasn't there, I was on the complete opposite part of the upper plate while that happened."

"That's very good to hear..." was all she said before letting out a sigh. I stared at her with a raised brow. She noticed it and then realized how her reply sounded. Immediately she started waving her hands in front of her, her face clearly showing that she was panicking.

"I-I meant I'm relieved to hear that you weren't close enough to the Sector! And that you didn't get hurt in the fire..."

Letting out a soft chuckle, I wrapped my arm softly around her own, linking them, hoping yo calm her down.

"I understood the first time. I just wanted to tease you" was what I said as she just stared at me, her lower lip sticking out, pouting.

We walked and chatted for a while longer, crossing by a few food stands. The smell of the freshly baked goods and the taste samples of the freshly picked fruits were too much for us to resist, so we bought a few things and decided to eat them for lunch in the local church.

"I can't remember the last time I ate fresh buns... feels like ages" said the brunette as she took another bite of her oat bun, the look on her face clearly showed that she enjoyed the bun, as her emerald green eyes sparkled just at the thought of another bite.

"Yeah me too... I actually think the last time I ate anything home baked was before moving to Midgar... no wait," I took a bite of my own bun as I was trying to recall the last time I actually ate something home baked. "I think the last time was maybe 4 years ago. I stole some supplies from some ShinRa scientists in their home while they were away."

"... What surprises me even more is how openly you're able to talk about that..."

I pouted at the comment and turned my face away, taking another bite of my bun, but a much bigger one than before, making my cheeks seem like the one of a hamster carrying nuts.

"I had to survive somehow! Was better than stealing from the ones actually selling the groceries... With all sincerity; I feel no shame whatsoever stealing from pigs like them!"

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