♡Ch.3 - No Filters Please!

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'He is totally wasted...'

I stared deadpan at Biggs laying over the table with a beer in his hand, while I was behind the counter, cleaning the used glasses and plates.

But Biggs wasn't the only one wasted... so was Jessie, laying beside him over the table. Wedge being the cutie he is tried to wake them up but to no avail.

I couldn't watch him struggle any more so I helped him carry both of the drunkards up the stairs so they could sleep it off and let the alcohol wary off.

Returning back downstairs to the bar after like 30 minutes after Wedge had left and I made sure the drunkards had clean sheets to sleep in, I noticed a familiar blonde with spiky locks enter the bar. Grinning, I stood behind the bar counter as he made his way towards me.

"What would it be today?"

He stared at me for a slight while before humming and glancing behind me at the menu.

"Something strong."

I nodded my head and started mixing the liquor while humming under my breath softly, glancing towards Cloud who sat calmly by the counter, waiting patiently for his drink.

"Rough day?"

He hummed and tapped his armoured finger against the counter as he looked over at me.

"Not really. Just finishing up a few jobs that I picked up a while ago..." was all the blonde said before picking up his drink that I already prepared and put in front of him. Smiling, I nodded my head at him.

"Great! Then you'll glaldy walk the round with me and give people their new water filters ri-" As fast as he picked up his glass with the alcohol, with the same speed he put it down before it even managed to touch his lips, got up and made his way quite fast towards the exit of the bar.

"H-hey! Get back here!!.... Oi at least finish your drink you ungrateful brat!!"

I grumbled to myself as I threw the cloth I used for cleaning the shaker onto the counter, huffing and mumbling under my breath, completely oblivious to the stares I was getting from a few people around the bar.

Cloud's POV

"Hmm? Cloud where are you going? Is around lunch time, you're not staying?"

Glancing to the side I catched a glimpse of Wedge walking alongside Barret. Looked like they were on their way to Seventh Heaven. I just shrugged and continued walking.

"I have some more jobs to finish." Was all I said before walking off.

Wedge's POV

Me and Barret glanced at each other before shrugging off and entering Seventh Heaven, immediately noticing the pouty state that Y/N was in. Curious, I skipped happily over to her and sat by the counter.

"The usual! And what's with the sour look on your face?"

"Got dumped by your childhood friend?~" said Barret a bit jokingly before taking the drink that Y/N made for him. She sighed while serving me my own drink.

"Nah. I told him about the water filters and he left in a split second. So yes I got dumped!" She huffed before crossing her arms over her chest. Barret almost crushed the cup he was holding in his healthy hand but managed to only slam the cup down against the counter, standing up.

"I'll go get him!! Ain't no way you're going all alone!" said Barret before storming out of the bar. I simply glanced over at Y/N to see her reaction. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"....He's acting as if I'm going to war against the whole ShinRa army... They are just water filters!"

Laughing I took a small sip from my drink before answering.

"Father mode: switch on!"

She laughed and nodded her head, agreeing with my comment before glancing over to where Barret was sitting. Her one eyebrow started twitching as she clutched the cloth and cup in her hand dangerously tightly...

"...Another sucker for pain that did not finish his drink!!!"



Another sleepless night came. I was unable to sleep because of the nightmares I've constantly been having, yet as I woke up again I was unable to remember any of them.

But whenever I woke up after one of these nightmares, it felt like as if these dreams were important parts of my life. You know when you dream of something and then it happens? Like deja vu. Something similiar to it at least, for it mostly felt like I've already experienced those things.

I got up to go grab a glass of water from the kitchen. My house isn't anything big. A few steps outside of my bedroom and you're in the fairly small space that makes up for both the kitchen and living room, with a small table for 2 in the middle of it.

A soft purr was all I heard after I opened the creaking door of my room. Glancing down I saw my roommate, Oreo, a tiny white kitty, who is fairly small for his age and race.

I couldn't help but smile as I picked him up and snuzzled my nose against his.

"Here I thought you were asleep too. How about we watch something?" Oreo purred in reply as he curled into a ball in my arms. I hummed and went to actually grab the glass of water before sitting down on the couch and turning on the TV, listening to the news relating to the big fire that blew out in Sector 1 Upper Plate after AVALLANCHE attacked the Mako Reactor 1.

"At least they managed to put the fire down... who know how long it will take them to rebuild." I said to myself as both me and Oreo eventually fell asleep on the couch.


The next day I went to visit Seventh Heaven. Surprisingly, the bar was closed but Tifa saw me through the window and agreed to let me in.

Entering, the whole group of AVALLANCHE was seated down. I figured out they were planning out their next move. I asked Tifa on the side if it really was alright for me to be here, which Barret heard and he rose up from his sitting position.

" 'Course it is! Why would ya of all people be in the way? You're the one helpin' us most of the time. But this time we would need ya on the front lines. Not in the shadows."

I bet everyone noticed my confused stare after what Barret said. Jessie chuckled and leaned over to peek at my face, additionally trying to catch my attention so I would listen to her.

"We are planning to attack Mako Reactor 5. You're familiar with it no?" Was what she asked. I nodded my head and she smiled, continuing. "Great! Simply said you're joining us on our next outing~ but we aren't quite ready yet, so don't worry we are not leaving this week. I need some time to prepare the bomb."

"Cloud said he will join us too."

Tifa stared at Barret and hummed.

"You asked him?" Tifa asked Barret to which he scoffed and sat down again.

"He ain't got a choice! Stayin' here, he might as well prove 'imself worthy!"

Tifa sighed while me and the trio giggled. Thinking a bit, I decided fo join them. After all, I didn't have any special jobs I had to do at the end of the week, so I decided to help.

"You guys know it is one of the more complex Reactors right?" I asked. They all sat there quietly, looking at me. I sighed. "Guess you guys don't. Is the Reactor with most drones and machines. Is the place where they develope and build those, meaning the security there may or may not be higher than in the other Reactors. All I'm saying is, we should be prepared for whatever may come."

"You ain't have to say that. Security is what we know best!" Said Barret, cockily as he flexed his gun arm, grinning at me. We all just stood and stared, sweatdropping. We all remembered how the last mission went with him and Cloud having to fight a gigant scorpion looking thing.

"Anyways, alright. I'll join you. Just give me time before we leave."

Tifa nodded her head and we all chatted for a while while Tifa made us all something to snack on. After we discussed more of the details, we all made our way home.

Another ordinary day, nothing special. Though I had a feeling something bad would happen soon...

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