♡Ch.1 - All Rights Recieved

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Weeks passed from the time Tifa found Cloud laying by the stairs of the local station.

I was able to catch up with Cloud a little bit before I got a bigger job and was sent to the upper plate for multiple weeks. Turns out he did remember me, but I don't think we shared the same excitement of finally reuniting after so many years.

Truth be told, his behaviour and personality was a lot more cold and emotionless than you remembered. The cheery, kind and fun boy to be around with was now gone. But I guess, everyone grows up.

Turned out he left to become a SOLDIER 1st Class, which apparently he managed to become.

Us two continued to talk in the bar while Tifa was busy serving the other customers. I couldn't help but notice that his memory was grievously lacking, and I say grievously because I it hurt me deeply.

Many years have I considered that he may have died or simply moved to another village, but his mother was still there. She was the one taking care of me as my own mother was gone, but she refused to tell me where Cloud was off to. I tried to accept it, but it was hard.

Was it really so hard for him to confess that he wanted to become a SOLDIER? Though I decided not to push the subject. Mostly because he was acting kind of sceptical of me, as if he was lying to remember me.

I mean, it did take 6 years for us both ti see each other, in addition to that, he had other stuff on his shoulders to bare. So really, I didn't blame him. Yet the hurting feeling in my chest would simply not fade away...

After a few weeks I left off to the upper plate to carry on what I was tasked to do while AVALANCHE and Cloud went to bombard Mako Reactor 1. I got back a 2 or 3 weeks after they themselves got back, being curious of how the mission went.

Turned out the whole Sector 1 upper plate got destroyed and burnt down, and Jessie was blaming herself for making a bomb too powerful, while the others tried to reassure her that what happened was not her fault. 

"What happened, happened. Though your goal was seen to the end. I don't see why you should continue to think about it" said a certain spiky from the corner of the hideout underneath Seventh Heaven.

I just couldn't help but sigh when Cloud made thay comment, for I knew what was coming his way.

"And ya just can't shaddup can ya?! No one asked ya anyways!" Barret growled towards the blonde and after hummed as he stood on the elevating platform. "I'll go put Marlene to sleep now. Y'all don't stay here for too long and get yourselves home. Get some rest." Said the handgun carrying man as the elevating platform took him to the main floor of the bar.

"Alright. I guess it was just something in the Reactor that reacted badly with my bomb... But I guess Cloud is right! That happened and we can't change it." Jessie smiled towards Cloud who just avoided the females glance his way and turned his head away as well. She only chuckled at the behaviour and took the lift up aswell.

"For the sake of Y/N's health I think we should end the meeting for today" said Biggs before he went up to me and ruffled my hair with his gloved hand. I couldn't help but laugh and gently slapped his hand away from my hand.

"Trust me I'm quite alright. Though some food and sleep sounds fantastic right now..."

Biggs chuckled and nodded his head. "Exactly why we should end the meeting and head upwards~ se y'all tomorrow!"

"W-wait for me too! I'm going up too!"

I couldn't help but chuckle as Wedge managed to get on the lift right before it took off with both him and Biggs. Now, only me and Cloud remained in the closed off space in complete silence.

"In Our Universe..." Cloud Strife X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now