ー🚢Day 197

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March 4, 2022
10:13 pm

Dear Reader,

Hi, hello! Its me again, anyway, I managed to do the rest of my assignments so yay?

I don't have any other pending assigments unless my teachers decides to publish a new one but I doubt that since its weekends

I also scored an 18/20 in a quiz, basically 9/10 since its 2 points each question and there's only 10

I did it in a rush since my stomachache is distracting me and I can barely comprehend the quiz so I read the question then choose the first answer that comes to mind from the choices

I also did a brochure for our supposed solo presentation on Monday for our E-tech subject

Not going to lie but our e-tech subject's teacher really out here thinking she's our major when in reality, its our tourism subjects, attrations and theme parks 2 + travel services 2 & partly work immersion + inquiries, investigation and immersion, like she's the one giving us all these assignments and recitations for only 10-15 points

She wants us to make an effort when she gives low points in exchange for it? No way, that's to unfair for our side

She's just lucky because we wanted to pursue graduating smh, she isn't even like this when she handled our earth and life science subject last semester

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
10:20 pm

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