ー🚢Day 212

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March 19, 2022
9:34 pm

Dear Reader,

Oh wow, this one is way earlier than the rest of my entries for this month, what can I say? Its better early than forgetting again

Plus my phone is like 51% in right now and would start draining once it reaches 30% so I'm not risking it

I didn't really do much today, just folded the laundry from yesterday while my mom hanged the rest of the laundry today which means I'd have to fold the remaining laundry again tomorrow

My parents also discussed about the trip to Cagayan Valley for my grandma's birthday and they are choosing whether or not I could go with them

My brother can't, sadly, even if he wants to since he has a big examination coming up because its his last year of college

I, however, can since its only my 12th grade/2nd year of Senior High School and our 4th quarter would just be starting by then

Of course, I'd have to make sure to catch up on assignments, maybe even do it earlier than the due date so I could be sure nothing goes wrong

Since my grandma's birthday falls on a Monday, I would have to be absent in classes for that, seeing as there's no stable wifi there as well

And I'm guessing we will be going home on a Tuesday afternoon so we could arrive back on a Wednesday morning

Damn, me and my calculations but after years of visiting Cagayan Valley, I just got used to calculating everything

It takes us 16 hours estimated to arrive from the bus station to Cagayan Valley, including the pit stops for refueling of gas and bathroom/snack breaks

Well, that was until a new highway was built that makes travelling to Cagayn Valley faster so I don't know how long will it take now

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
9:43 pm

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