ー🚍Day 238

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April 14, 2022
10:05 pm

Dear Reader,

So my allergy dialed down a bit but the sore throat, cough and clogged nose is still there just not as severe

I also did nothing most of the day so yeah, which also means I haven't updated my encanto draft

I did make up a new draft idea, this time for the MHA fandom. It's titled "An Angel's Way" featuring my oc Elisa Yuri Nakamura, which you guess it, a mix of my encanto oc and demon slayer oc

Here's a bit of the summary. Elisa Yuri Nakamura is an angel, a guardian angel, one of the many scattered in Japan.

In Japan, 80% of the population has quirks, 20% has none but the truth is 79% has quirks, 20% has none and 1% are guardian angels

That's how rare they are. Every angel has a task and that is to make a friendship bond with people they are assigned to so they could protect them

Each one having distinct ways of making the bond come to life. Elisa Yuri Nakamura's way is by giving them cupcake of their favorite flavor

She was assigned to Class 1A, however, due to all but one rejecting her, she switched to Class 1B where she was accepted wholeheartedly

So now, she has to protect Class 1B along with that one 1A student as their guardian angel

I think that's basically it for the story. I'm still brainstorming her powers and other information like backstory and such

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
10:13 pm

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