ー🚍Day 226

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April 2, 2022
11:05 pm

Dear Reader,

I kind of lost my sense of time since mom and dad are currently out the house and on their way to Cagayan Valley, my father's home province

They left at 3 pm and mom told me that the bus will be leaving at 5 pm from the station

She also told me that they'll arrive by 7 am in Aparri, Cagayn Valley which is the bus station, kind of

Then they'll take a tricycle to the hometown of our relatives where my parents will stay over

So right now, I'm all alone in the room with only pillows surrounding me + my barney plush

Not going to lie but it feels weird sleeping on my parents' bed since I got used to mine

I used to sleep beside mom when dad is abroad but I just kind of grew out of it and stuck to my own foldable mattress bed

I'm giving this one night a chance, if I'm not comfy with sleeping on my parents' bed then I'm putting out my mattress bed the next night

Because, not only is my feet dangling from the side whereas I'm used to always feeling the floor immediately.

My parents' bed is not as soft as my mattress bed, no offense. Plus, I really just prefer my own bed rather than theirs

I could've put my mattress bed on the other room with my aunt, brother and cousin, so I wouldn't have to be alone and we could only use 2 electric fans but, I want my personal space too since I wake up early

And the fact I have to record videos without letting them see me recording because I get conscious, you get the point

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
11:14 pm

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