ー🚢Day 217

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March 24, 2022
11:10 pm

Dear Reader,

Speed run my commentary script today cause why not? Make a wish, its 11:11

I chose to center it around Nayong Pilipino Clark, its a cultural theme park that showcases Philippine Culture and History

From the country's currency to its indigenous villages and mini replicas of known destinations, everything can be seen there

It also holds cultural dance performances like singkil, tinikling and more

Personally, I visited the park once for our field trip back in elementary so when I found out that it has been closed for renovation since 2019 and hasn't been re-opened since, I was baffled

The park holds many historical things albeit replicas but still, its like touring the whole Philippines in just one place

If I was given a chance to go there again, I'd take it. Nayong Pilipino holds a place in my memories like all the other field trips we had

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
11:16 pm

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