ー🚍Day 235

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April 11, 2022
9:59 pm

Dear Reader,

Monday classes again, and nothing much really happened, we had two meetings, the tourism one and the e-tech one and the other two subjects just gave an assignment to do during their time

Honestly, I was feeling lazy today but I can't laze around when its our final quarter

We have a big project coming up, a collaboration with a fellow HE strand, HE1 × HE2(our strand)

If everything goes wrong, we might drag the other strand down with us and we don't want that, not when its our final year before college

Enough of that, I didn't use my laptop this afternoon after it suddenly glitched on me that I had to restart it

Which also meant that I wasn't able to update the encanto draft, still having Chapter 20 as the last complete chapter

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
10:04 pm

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