ー🚍Day 248

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April 24, 2022
10:16 pm

Dear Reader,

We have visitors today, a family friend for years, they texted mom that they're on the way here to visit

It was more or less, a surprise visit. They texted her around 5 pm, just an hour after we woke up from our nap

Yes, I finally took a nap after 2 straight days of not doing so... I feel sleepy now though, and usually it would be lights off at this time

They wouldn't be leaving until 11 pm so I have to endure it a bit more. I was also the one to do errands outside like buying softdrinks and all that

I was also the one who washed the dirty plates after we ate. I practically helped in everything I could

I swear if they still call me useless with the household chores when my brother barely does any

Oh yeah, mom also washed half of the laundry which means that I had to hang it up, another task done

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
10:20 pm

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