ー🚍Day 251

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April 27, 2022
10:22 pm

Dear Reader,

I don't think I could call this a lazy day. Maybe a lazy half-day or something

Anyway, I lazed around during the morning, like seriously, even if I had assignments to deal with

But then, its all pushed back to after the first week of May anyway, after our event so what's the harm?

Speaking of the event, I managed to start the script now. I had the intro finished

I also managed to finish the flow of the scripts though I only have to do mine+intro and outro

I got distracted midway though which is why I also managed to only finished a quarter of my first destination's script

I do have notes on it though and I put it on google docs so I could access it through my phone as well

But guess what? I didn't even bother continuing it and just went over to wattpad and read some books

As you can see, I'm too lazy for anything related to school works as of now. I have no motivation

Like, let's pretend my finals project won't be uploaded on Facebook by May 2

Let's pretend, I don't have only 5 days to do everything cause yeah, that's totally fun and the right thing to do

Let's pretend I have a sense of urgency and will not be cramming again for the sake of this

Anyway, that's about it! Good night/good evening/good morning/good afternoon, my dear Galaxies!

-Signed by,
Moon / Elisa🌙
10:31 pm

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