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Six years ago , when your dad got a new well-paying job in Japan , your family moved to across the globe . Most kids in your  new middle school labelled you as weird , but you made a few friends : one of those friends being a relatively unsociable redhead called Noriaki Kakyoin . He's your best friend now . On the contrary , there was one incident in middle school that's caused an ongoing feud between you and a certain someone to this very day .

It was in the lunch hall one day . Walking to a table and balancing your lunch on a tray , you bumped into a boy taller than yourself . He turned around , not looking happy , and shot you a cold glare .

"Watch where you're going !" he spat in a loud unimpressed bark , before turning around , mumbling "idiot" under his breath .

This made you angry .

"And who the hell do you think you're calling idiot ?!" you shouted back at him .

The boy turned around . Then you did it . The dark-haired midleschooler was now soaked in juice , because of your short temper .

Furrowing his thick , dark eyebrows , his youthful greenish eyes were blazing with sheer rage .

A teacher came running to him almost immediately . "Oh dear !" she gasped , quickly kneeling down to match his height .

She felt his dark uniform , sticky with juice . "Let's take you upstairs to the medical room and get you cleaned up" she assured him sweetly , patting his shoulder before standing up straight . "We'll find you a clean spare shirt too" she added kindly .

Then , she turned to you , shooting you a chilling glare .  "You there ," she snapped . "Wait outside the headmaster's office ."

You're in your final year of highschool now . You're almost 17 .

To this day , you still can't stand Jotaro .

☆*: .。.o.。.:*☆

Monday morning .

You get up at the sound of your phone alarm on your desk , before rolling out of bed .

Standing in front the stove , your mother greets you with a light wave as you enter the kitchen . Tired , you just about manage a half grin . After eating breakfast , you chug down half a glass of water and quickly run upstairs to re-clean your mouth .

Today , the walk to school is as normal . You walk up the street  , turn the corner and walk down another street , cross the road and continue . As you get nearer to the school , you hear a mild choir of squealing and chatting . You clutch the straps of your bag nearer to your body and walk up faster .

"Hi Jojo !"

"Good morning Jotaro !"

"Hey Jotaro !"

"What's up Jojo ?"

"Let's walk to school together , Jo-"


Soon , you arrive into school and head straight to the locker area , turning the dial to unlock your unit . The door swings open . You take out some books and put your lunchbox on the internal shelf . As more students begin to fill the school , you push the locker door shut and begin to make your way to your first class .

Book 1: Tough Love (Jotaro x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now