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Looking to your side , you see Jotaro one hand in his pocket , his other hand holding his school bag .

The other girls would ENVY you if they saw how close he allowed you to be to him . That's when you realise : if they EVER caught onto the unofficial relationship you have with Jotaro , you'd surely be in some trouble .

For this reason , you begin to purposely lag behind , keeping a set distance between you and the delinquent .

Soon , he picks up that you're lagging . He looks back over his shoulder , raising his eyebrow , , but you just stand there , shyly scratching your sleeve . After a moment , he turns around and approaches you .

"What's up with you ?"

"I...I just remembered ," you admit nervously , looking down at your shoes . "If some of the girls at school see us , they'll probably do things to me ."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean ?" he asks , sounding annoyed .

"Somebody once poured water on my friend's uniform during sports class because she'd gotten into an argument with some girls before the lesson" you explain . "God knows what they'd do to me ."

"Bullshit" Jotaro responds bluntly , sounding irritated . "I will talk to you whenever the fuck I want to , not when the girls at school allow it . Let's keep walking ."

The pair of you continue to school calmly , until you hear :

"Hi Jojo !"

"Good morning Jojo !"

"Jojo !"

"Let's walk together , Jojo !"

Sighing , you make the rest of your way to school by yourself .

Later in the day , it's now lunch break . "Y/n !" you hear Noriaki call from a distance .

You turn around to see him approaching you . "Jotaro told me what happened . I won't ask questions , but from now on , though , you walk with either one of us on the way to and from school ."

"I'd rather walk with you in the mornings" you whisper . "Nearly got trampled by his fangirls earlier ."

Noriaki chuckles a bit .

"What's got you giggling ?" Jotaro asks Noriaki with a scowl as he eventually catches up .

"Nothing , nothing . By the way , you two" he adds . "I have an idea . Let's go to the aquarium on Saturday ."

It's the end of the school day . Jotaro and Noriaki are both stood outside your class , waiting for you . When you later get to the front door of your family home , you ring the doorbell . Your mom answers with a friendly face . "Hi Y/n , hello boys ."

Jotaro greets her casually , raising a hand .

"Hi L/n san , " Nori begins . "Can Y/n come with us to the aquarium on Saturday ? We'll be her personal security " Noriaki adds humourously with a grin .

"Yeah" Jotaro adds , hinting a smile .

"Alright , I trust you two boys" your mom tells them , pulling you underneath her arm . "Always looking after my little girl-"

Book 1: Tough Love (Jotaro x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now