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It's the end of school . As I'd hoped , Y/n's stood by the gate . It's been almost a week since we finished the project at my house ... and I've missed her .

I approach her , saying "We need to talk ."

She immediately becomes tense when she hears my voice . I reach for her shoulder , but she slaps my hand away . "No !" she shouts at me .I catch her wrist , determined to make things right here and now . She spins around , wide-eyed and frantic-looking . "Let go of my hand ! LET GO !" she pleads at me , trying to pull her arm from my hand .

"Can you just liste-"

"NO ! Let go ! You're hurting me !"

I immediately let go of her . Dammit , first I hurt her feelings and now her arm . Just as I open my mouth to speak , I get a hard slap sent across my face ; it's so emotion-packed , my entire head turns to the side . My cheek is throbbing as I turn to her again . Tears now rush freely from her eyes . "Don't talk to me ever again !" she screams , before taking off .

For a moment , I just stand there , still , and watch her rush out of the school-gates . I pull my school cap down and begin walking home . While I walk , I pat my coat for my box of cigarettes - I always keep a pack on me .

I realise it's empty . To my luck , I know there's a shop not too far from where I am . If I walk to the end of this street , turn onto the next street and cut through an alleyway , I'll be at the back of the local supermarket . I check my pockets to see if I have any cash on me - luckily , I have two ¥1,000 notes on me . "Yare yare daze" I say to myself as I turn and begin to walk in the opposite direction .

Soon , I'm on the next street . The alleyway is just up ahead . As I reach the entrance of the grimy passage , I'm met with a shocking scene : a man is grasping the back of a woman's neck - no , she's wearing school uniform - and pointing a knife to her back . I blink twice before realising what I'm seeing .

Immediately , I call out to the man .

"Drop the fucking knife , bastard ."

"Huh ? What was that , punk ?" the man jeers , turning around . When he forecfully spins around the girl with him , I realise another disturbing truth . The girl he's abducting is Y/n . I gulp in shock , seeing her fear for her life at the pleasure of this bastard . He sneers as he points his knife to her throat . "You want her to die ?"

That's when I drop my schoolbag . Full of rage , I immediately manifest my fighting instinct and rush towards Y/n and the man .

"ORA !"

Star Platinum punches the bastard right in the middle of his face . I catch Y/n in my arms before she hits the floor . Instantly , the kidnapper is sent crashing face-first onto the ground . The hit is hard enough for the man to be put in a coma for several weeks - but surgery will never be able to fix his broken nose .

Concerned , I take a look at the girl in my arms . Blood trails from her nose , staining the neck of her school jumper , and some of it stains the cloth tied around her mouth . Her knees are scraped and there's a huge muddy mark on the side of her uniform .

My heart is still beating rapidly from the adrenaline rushing throughout my veins , but I have to act calm for Y/n's sake right now . Teary-eyed , she looks up at me with as I hastily untie the cloth from her mouth . She coughs a bit . "J-Jo-"

Book 1: Tough Love (Jotaro x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now