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Note : I only made a small edit to this chapter, no new content has been added. Secondly, because this story is set in Japan , everyone speaks Japanese , but when you or any character speaks in English specifically, it will look

"like THIS" *


The next day , you're at your locker . It's time for fourth lesson  . You put your lunchbox away in your unit before making your way into the next corridoor . Ahead , at the opposite end , the doors swing open as someone enters into the same coridoor you're walking through . Jotaro .

You grit your teeth , not wanting to see him right now . To even think about him . You want him to disappear , the project to disappear , school to disappear , everything to disappear . You remember the panick and embarassment of what happened and the way you tripped over your words . You can only wonder how stupid your actions made you look .

You whiz around and bolt away in the opposite direction , holding your books close to your body . For the next four days , you avoid Jotaro , and it's easy because you only share one class together , once a week . Shaking your head , you walk out of Chemistry . You make way to the locker area to get your lunchbox and put your books away , as it is now lunchtime .

By unfortunate coincidence , when you turn around , you see that the person you've been trying to avoid is now infront of you . Instinctively , you step back , but a hand-like feeling immediately sinks onto your shoulder , stopping you from going . Alarmed , your eyes snap to Jotaro .

His hands are buried in his pockets , but you feel like you're being held from running .

"Tomorrow after school ," he states plainly , eyeing you from under his schoolcap ; "meet me by the gate . And don't forget to bring your notes ."

At the end of the next school day , as you approach the school gates , you see Jotaro waiting as promised .

Cooly , he's standing just off the school grounds by himself , holding a cigarette between his fingers .

So he IS a smoker , you say to yourself .

He doesn't notice you until you're a short distance from him , and when he does , he casually lets his cigarette fall to the ground like a leaf falling from a tree . Then nonchalantly puts it out by briefly grinding it with the heel of his shoe , before beginning the walk to his home . You catch up but keep a step-or-two behind him , trailing the delinquent from a little afar .

Later , as you're both taking off your shoes at his home , the front door is slid open , revealing a blonde green-eyed white woman in an apron . She's bright faced and vibrant . You already like her . "Hi Jotaro , how was school ?"

The unfriendly teen only grunts quietly at her in annoyance , otherwise ignoring her . She shakes her head with a chuckle and turns to you . "And who might you be ?" she asks curiously . It's clear she's not Japanese , so your best guess would be that she's European or American .

"I'm sorry . My name is L/n Y/n . We're working on a school project ."

"Okay , I'm Holly , but Seiko is my Japanese name . You don't have to call me Kujo-san ."

Book 1: Tough Love (Jotaro x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now