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After a little lunch break , the three of you resume touring around the aquarium for another hour . Jotaro is mostly quiet : seemingly content with listening to you and your best friend rave about the many weird and wonderful creatures you see .

"Nori , Nori , get a photo of me with these seahorses" you excitedly say .

"Okay , hold on" he replies ;  Noriaki gets out a camera from his pocket as you stand infront of the colourful display . "Got it ! Stay there , I'll take one more . Jotaro , get in the picture ."

You see the delinquent subsequently lean down and whisper something into your best friend's ear . Nori holds back a grin as the Jotaro casually walks to stand next to you . What the hell are those two plotting , you wonder .

"Okay" Nori says ; "three ... two ..."

You almost scream as you suddenly feel your body be scooped up into Jotaro's strong , tanned arms , while Noriaki snaps away on his camera . The gamer laughs as Jotaro puts you steady back on your feet and walks to Nori , who willingly meets him half way as you dawdle blithely by the fish tank .

"Show me" the delinquent says , leaning down behind Nori , who holds the camera up and swipes through his camera roll . A pleased , smug side-grin forms on Jotaro's face . "Great shot" he says , fist-bumping the red head .

"You're welcome , buddy" your best friend replies with a wink . "Now take a photo with Y/n and I" Noriaki says , pushing the camera into the teen's hands . Joining you by the tank ,  the red-haired teen swipes his arm around the back of your neck and pulls you in close to a side hug .

"Got it" Jotaro says .  You need another one ?"

"Would you like me to take a photo with you and your friends together ?" a guy asks as he approaches Jotaro .

"Sure" the dark-haired teen replies , handing over the camera before standing with you and Nori , leaving you in the middle of the two tall teens .

"Got it !"

"Thank you " Nori replies , receiving his camera . The man waves before leaving . Both you and Jotaro gather behind Noriaki as he flicks through his camera gallery .

In the photo , both you and Nori smile for the camera as Jotaro casually pockets his hands , only showing a smug grin . In the other photo , you and Noriaki truly look like best friends as the redhead closely claimed you in a side-hug while you put up a peace sign , both smiling widely . In the photo you'd taken by yourself , you had posed cutely with your hands on your hips .

In the photo with you and Jotaro where he'd swept you off your feet : the strong teen cradled you like a baby while you looked with shock at the camera , clinging your arms around his neck . His expression was much different to yours ... he actually grinned .

"So , what now ?" Nori then queries , tucking his camera into the pocket of his hoodie . "I think we've seen everything now . "

"They have a souvenir shop here " you remind him . "I saw it when we walked in ."

"Oh shoot , I almost forgot" he replies , tucking his hands into the pocket of his hoodie . "Let's go find it ."

After visiting the souvenir shop , the three of you walk into town , where Noriaki stops in a post-office to get the photos printed from his camera . He soon emerges out the shop , holding three idential photo-strips , printed on glossy paper . The red-head hands you and Jotaro each a photo-strip .

Book 1: Tough Love (Jotaro x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now