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At the Kujo House , the dining room is mostly quiet while the four of you eat together - apart from a few occasions here and there , in which Joseph or Holly would ask you general questions about yourself : but nevertheless , your current thoughts are about the previously-enraged teenaged delinquent wordlessly eating his dinner beside you .

Sitting next to him , your mind replays the words he'd recently used . It was the first time he'd said the word love throughout the winding course of your blossoming , twisted romance ; echoes of his former words ring inside your mind like an alarm clock , waking you up to the realisation that Jotaro Kujo values your relationship more than you thought he did .

Deep down , this makes you regret pressuring him to confess his love during an argument - yet , you feel an odd type of comfort when you remember those words , and you can't doubt that he meant them .

So ... what does this mean for the two of you ?

After you give Holly your many thanks for her wonderful cooking , you bid goodbye to Joseph Joestar , who kindly shakes your hand with a warm smile and a rub on your shoulder . "It was nice meeting you , Y/n . Take care now ." *

"And you , Mr Joestar" * you reply fondly ; then , you turn and hug Holly , who squeezes you lovingly in her arms .

"Thank you ever so much , Holly ! I really appreciate eveything you've done for me" * .

"You're most welcome , Y/n !" * she gushes blissfully . "Please do come again sometime !" *

Hearing Jotaro slide the dining room door open , you then turn and follow him outside , where the pair of you quietly put your shoes back on at the porch of the main house .

Silently , the tall teen takes a step forward to the edge of the porch with his hands in his pockets , looking ahead to the front gate . Sighing , you hoist your school bag onto your back . "I'm sorry for getting mad earlier" he then admits out of the blue , keeping his back turned to you .

That's when your mind plays back the vivid scenes of Jotaro frustratedly launching his magazine across the room at a shelf while yelling at the top of his lungs . After a few quiet seconds of thought , you finally answer him .

"Jotaro ...it was my fault too " you reply meekly , looking down at your shoes . "I'm sorry for raising my voice at you ."

"Then hear me out this time" Jotaro says calmy , turning around .

"Fine , go on ."

He walks over and leans his back casually against the wall next to you , setting his eyes on a small nearby water fountain . "I was at the convention on Saturday" Jotaro tells you , continuing to look away . "And I ran into Kakyoin while you were getting food . That's when he told me how you felt . Look , I'm sorry about what happened at school , and the other times I've upset you."

Hesitation seals your lips for a moment . As the cool evening breeze skims across your face , it takes you a few moments to fully register his words .

Responding to your silence , he looks at you apprehensively . "... Y/n-chan ?"

Suddenly , you squeeze him in a hug . This earns a chuckle from Jotaro as he holds you closely to him with his firm , muscular arms . As you quietly inhale his usual scent (a combination of cologne with a mild smell of tobacco and faint sweat) , you shut your eyes and rest your cheek on the fabric of his shirt as the two of you quietly remain this way in eachother's comfort for some time .

Book 1: Tough Love (Jotaro x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now