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The anime-gaming convention on Saturday was totally insane . Before you eventually left the shopping centre in the evening , the pair of you got selfies together in a single photo-booth . You had to sit on his lap in order for both of you to fit in the booth properly . As the two of you walked out of the shopping centre to the bus stop , you looked at your copy of the photos you and Noriaki took , printed on a vertical strip of glossy photograph paper . Your favourite one was the one in which you decided to suddenly kiss his cheek just as the picture was taken . In the photo , you could see him blush and looking to the side with a shy smile as his arm lay wrapped around your shoulder .

When you get home , you neatly tuck the printed photo strip into the side of a frame that's already holding a picture of you and your childhood pet [Pet-Name] . You're arranging your new anime-character figures on your shelf when your mom comes in your room . "So , how was it ?" * your mom asks , flattening out her apron as she sits on your bed .

"Oh it was epic ! There were so many people . They had a huge cosplay parade and there was a ceremony where prizes were given for for 'best wig styling' , 'best makeup' , 'best home-made' and other stuff, it was so exciting . I'm just organising some figurines I'd bought on sale ." *

She replies simply 'hm' , so look over your shoulder . You realise she's holding the frame with your and Noriaki's photos - including the one with you cheekily kissing the side of his face . You go over to your bed and try to take the frame from her hand . "Relax , silly " * she assures you with a laugh , pulling it back . You sigh and go back to sorting out your anime figures . "You two are already cute together . Are you sure you don't fancy him  ?" *

"How many times do I have to tell you , mom , he's NOT my boyfriend ." *

☆*: .。.o.。.:*☆

Now it's Wednesday - a school day . Lunch break has finished , and you're about to put your lunchbox into your locker for the remainder of the school day . Noriaki called in sick this morning . You dial the code , allowing the door to swing open . You slip the lunchbox in and take some books out , but something else comes out - it falls on the floor infront of your feet , catching your attention . After shutting the door , you curiously crouch down - it's a white , neatly folded piece of paper .

For a moment , you just stand there . After staring at the piece of paper , you begin carefully unfolding it .

It's a note , telling you to wait alone by the gate after school .

You eventually find yourself standing by the gate - and have been waiting for two minutes now when you hear

"We need to talk ."

Suddenly , your heart sinks to the bottom of your stomach . You know that voice all too well , and instantly become annoyed . 'Shit , I should've known' you think to yourself . Not turning around , you pull the handles of your bag to your shoulders and take a step forward to leave when he puts a hand on your shoulder .

"No !" you shout , slapping his hand away - he catches your wrist . You spin around , now facing him . It hurts to look him in the eyes again - his expression is serious , but so are you . "Let go of my hand !" you demand as you desperately try pulling away from his hold . "LET GO !"

"Can you just listen t-"

"NO !" you yell again . "Let go ! You're hurting me !"

Jotaro instantly drops your wrist from his grip . He'd held it so tight , your wrist is hot and throbbing . Full of rage , you grit your teeth and slap Jotaro across the face as hard as you can . "Don't talk to me ever again !" you scream , letting your tears loose . A very faint red hand mark is formed on his cheek , and he puts his hand on his face in shock to your aggression . Then you angrily clench the handles of your bag , turn and run as fast as you can , not looking back .

You decide to take the short cut to your house : turn onto the next street and cut through an alleyway leading to the back of a supermarket where deliveries would be imported . From there , you'd just have to make your way to the main street , turn left at the end of the street , cross one more road and take the first right turn onto your street .

Now in the alleyway , you've stopped running now . You're panting - literally almost breathless . Looking down at your feet as you walk alone through the shadowy passage , you sniff and wipe your eyes with your sleeve . You know it'd be impossible to avoid Jotaro completely , because you both go to the same school , but you certainly didn't expect a direct confrontation with him .

You sigh . Love is tough .

Without warning , a hand covers your mouth from behind and an arm fastens around your waist . Your stomach flips sickly in fear . Tossing about , you whimper helplessly , trying to wiggle free .

"I have a knife , so listen up" a man whispers huskily in your ear as his hot breath hits your neck . Despite this , shivers run through your body . "My truck's parked up at the end of the alley . Start walking ."

Heart racing , you make every humanly-possible effort to resist . You kick , shake and struggle , but he is quite strong . Panic is running throughout your entire body like blood . Desperately , you forcefully dig your nails into the hand that's he's covering your mouth with , and you manage to tear it away from your face , gasping for air .

The man suddenly bolts your ankle , making you shriek in pain as you fall for the floor and bang your head on the ground .

"Didn't you hear when I said I have a knife , bitch ?" he growls , kicking you in the side . "And here's one more for digging your damn nails into my arm" he adds , sending a kick to your face .

Almost instantly , you feel nauseous as you sense the course of warm blood leave your nose . Your throat aches too much to scream , your legs are too tired to get up and run , and you're in too much pain to put up a fight anymore .

When he crouches down next to your defenseless self on the ground , you get a brief look at his face . He's a middle-aged man , almost bald , and he has a dark , stubbly beard . The man rolls you over , flat onto your stomach . You notice your nosebleed create a tiny red puddle next to your face . He then wraps some sort of cloth over your mouth , lifting your head to tie it in a knot at the back of your head . Weakly , you gag as he drags you up onto your feet .

Your whole body freezes with deadly fear as you feel the knife poke warningly against your back . A single bead of sweat drops fearfully down your face and water clouds your vision . "Walk , bitch" he orders .

Helplessly , you begin to limp in the direction of where he said his truck is parked . Your hip is throbbing , your ankle aches and your nose feels heavy . The man shoves you forward every now and again .  You can barely see where you're going , but you're being urged forward by a knife poking the back of your uniform . There's no turning back . You can't run . You're being kidnapped . This is it-

"Drop the fucking knife , bastard ."

"Huh ? What was that , punk ?" the man taunts , turning around with the blade directly at your neck as Jotaro now stands at the end of the alleyway . "You want her to die ?"

Book 1: Tough Love (Jotaro x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now