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Six days pass since your explosive interaction with Jotaro . At this moment in time , you only have eight days left before your other half of the project is turned over to the other pair in your group . It's now the end of the school day : you're approaching the school gate with your bestfriend , Noriaki - or Nori , as you sometimes called him .

Noriaki then nudges your arm . "Look ."

You frown at him . Shrugging , you ask "Why ?"

"Your biology partner's right there" Nori urges , nudging you again .

"What about it ? I'm not working with that asshole ."

"He's not as bad as you think he is . Just go ."

"And how would you know that ?"

Nori sighs . "Remember how I wasn't in school for 50 days ?"

You nod . "Yeah ."

"I'm not really meant to talk about it , but his family had quite a bit to do with it . I spent quite a lot of time with him . We became good friends but some weird stuff happened to us , so that's why he's avoided me since we came back to school 'cause its all quite heavy to remember if we continue hanging out . But anyways , stop being a baby and go talk to him ."

"What weird stuff ? Don't leave me in the da-"

"Go talk to him ."

"Okay , fine ."

Giving in , you pace ahead , leaving Nori behind . You soon catch up to the teen in question . You take a single deep breath .

"Kujo !" you call , loud enough to get his attention . He slowly turns around . His eyes settle on your little frame , hidden by the dark shadow of his cap . You can't gauge his facial expression .  "We need to start  . When are you free ?"

"Now ."

He turns around proceeds to resume walking . Hesitantly , you join him , but keep slightly behind him . The pair of you silently travel on-foot through the neighbourhood , not a word nor an utterance from anyone .

A good twenty minutes' worth of walking later , you arrive infront of a huge residence . As you trail the delinquent through the entrance and onto the property , you gape at the beautiful fountain in the pond , its perimiter outlined by rocks . So this is his home ? You follow behind Jotaro towards a series of sectioned parts of the large home , connected by wooden bridges on stilts that corresponded with complementary sheltering over the paths .

"I'll take those" he offers when you reach the front door . You take off your shoes . Jotaro slips off his own and places both pairs next to the door .  "Hm , she must be out" he says to himself .

"Who ?"

"My mom ."

He then takes lead again until he later stops infront of another door , allowing you to catch up to him . Then , he slides the door open .  "You first" Jotaro says .

This must be his room . It's quite large ; there's a spacious bed in the far corner , covered in neatly-spread colbalt-blue sheets and two plump pillows . Beside his bed is a desk with a framed photo . A little infront of his bed is a tall closet . On the left , sits a desk and a chair with some papers , a pot of stationery , a lamp and a book .

The floor is wooden but there's a huge , circular dark-blue rug in the middle . A casette player and earphones lay idly discarded on the floor . A beige lantern hangs from the centre of the ceiling .

Book 1: Tough Love (Jotaro x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now