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Later , the two of you are about to leave . You place your bag on the floor and the two of you start putting our shoes on by the front door . Just as he's about to go , you say "I never thought you'd be such a great kisser" .

He turns around , setting his eyes on you . "I'd been wanting to do that for a few months ."

"Months ?" you repeat , almost in a gasp of shock .

His hands grip your waist securely, gently pulling your body closer into him . "Yeah ..."

Swiftly , he dips his neck down , closes his eyes and firmly presses his lips on yours . You close your eyes and slide your arms behind his neck . The two of you kiss slowly , but with burning passion . Everything he's doing to you right now is so perfect , you could go on like this forever . The bare touch of his lips against yours sends a silent craze rushing through your veins . You feel the tip of Jotaro's tongue teasingly brush over your bottom lip every now and again , signalling what he wants . Thoughtlessly , you lock lips with his , and he takes this as an opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth , adventurously feeling his way around the insides of your mouth , occasionally hooking his tongue with yours while his hands selfishly feel out your waist , making your heart rate thunder .

Soon , without any warning , Jotaro then swiftly manoeuvres you , and traps you between a wall and himself . His hat falls on the floor . A thin stream of your combined saliva is leaking out from the corner of his mouth . His chest is noticeably rising and falling . His face is slightly red , but he's smirking smugly ; you see a flame-like glow within his eyes , and his dark thick eyebrows are furrowed . You can't help but notice how the golden tone from the setting-sun falls on him perfectly , highlighting his tanned biracial complexion , his green eyes and his dark wavy hair,  which is slightly unkempt . For the first time , you're looking into his eyes up close , able to fully admire their ocean-theme hue of green and get lost in their depth .

You let out a small yelp as he suddenly pins your shoulders against the wall next to the door and moves closer in to your body . He's so rough , it turns you on . One hand holding your hands above your head , he slams his other hand on the wall next to your headand leans in again , tilting his head . The pair of you continue messy kissing , mouths open and tongues active . His grip on your hands is so tight . He removes his other hand from the wall and relocates it to your lower back , bringing your waist nearer to him while he marks his territory on you with his mouth . Your heart is pumping incredibly fast and your whole body is hot . It feels like only the two of you exist . Jotaro retracts his tongue and bites down on your bottom lip , making you open your eyes , he's now looking at you too . 

After a single kiss on your forehead , he lets go of you and takes a step back . "Let's go now," he suggests with a grin , putting his hands away into his pockets . You crouch down and pick up your school bag from the floor - you scoop up his hat . To your disappointment , you feel the hat removed immediately . He starts to leave . You start following Jotaro to the evening streets , where the walk home begins .

Later , when you're three streets away from your house , you say "I'll go from here" . He simply does a subtle nod . You give him a quick wave before turning , and you continue your walk home alone .

☆*: .。.o.。.:*☆

Two days after the you'd finished your half of the project , you're making your way to your next class when you see Jotaro walking just on the other side of the corridoor .

Fondly , you skip over to him .

"How's it going ?" you ask , holding on to his arm .

Book 1: Tough Love (Jotaro x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now