☆10 : Finale☆

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Hand-in-hand , the walk home from the park to your house is calm , but you're still internally buzzing with excitement from what happened . You slip your hand from Jotaro's as the two of you reach your front door .

"Thanks for the walk home" you say with a shy grin , pushing your hand into the pocket of your joggers . You feel around for your keys . "I'll see you Monday , I guess ."

Just as you push your keys into your front door , Jotaro puts a hand on your shoulder . "Before you go" he begins .

You turn around . "What's up ?"

Swifty , Jojo pulls you in by the waist , causing you to drop your bag ; you wrap his arms around his neck , and the two of you keep it simple this time , pecking eachother's lips gently a few times before Jotaro lets go off you and pockets his hands cooly .

"See you at school " he then says cooly , turning around . Smiling , collect your bag from the floor and turn the keys in your door and entering the house .

Hearing the sounds of your mom cooking , you make your way to the end of the hallway and enter the kitchen , where she's indeed standing infront of the stove , wearin an apron . "Hey mom ."*

"Oh , you're back ,"* she says , still facing the stove as she stirs a large wooden spoon around in a pot . "How was the aquarium with the boys , then ?"*

"It was actually so cool , you wouldn't get it . Some of the creatures they had there , I'd never seen anything like them in my life - though Jotaro and Noriaki didn't like the Lionfish , they said the tentacles gave them the creeps for some reason . Anyways , I got some you a present"* you tell her eagerly , placing your bag on the table .

"Did you now ?"*

"I got you a keyring so dad stops confusing his keys with yours ."

Your mom looks over her shoulder , chuckling. "Thanks Y/n , that's very thoughtful of you ."*

"Heh , yeah , I'm gonna go get changed now"* you say , putting it on the table before leaving the kitchen-

"Wait "* your mother calls .

"Mom ?"* you ask , turning around as you now stand in the kitchen doorway .

"Let me see that necklace a bit closer"* she says , turning around from the stove .

"Oh , yeah um , it's-"*

"Come on , come here"* she beckons as she approaches you . "You can't show me the necklace without getting closer"* she adds as she meets you by the table .

"Yeah ..."*

Your mom crouches down , peering at the pendant . "Ah , two dolphins making a heart . You didn't get this for yourself , did you ?"* she asks , then standing up straight .


"I already know , Y/n"* your mom says , leaning against the counter . "It's from Mrs Kujo's son , isn't it ?"*

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