Baby wants to play

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I was supposed to have this uploaded on Christmas but you beautiful people know my life is chaos right now.
(See the end of the work for more notes.)

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Chapter 1: Baby wants to play

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It's been a month since owl Beast eda gave birth/ hatch the baby and two weeks later Oswald came home with fresh scars, after escaping the emperor's castle with the surprising help from Lilith?

he really didn't trust her helping him, but she nonstop apologizing the entire time walking him to the owl house.
He didn't let her in because of what he and eda were hiding.


the autumn air colder than usual in the boiling isles, moonlight seeping through the nearby window.

Eda is comfortable and warm, familiar arms slipping soothingly around her from behind. She feels Oswald's face nuzzle into the back of her head - into a faceful of orange hair, of course, but he doesn't seem to mind - then catches the familiar bluster of his hot breath on her ear.
Her tossing and turning promptly ceases as she nestles into his warm familiarity, smiling softly in groggy semi-consciousness, and then something heavy thumps her hard in the face, chubby little arms encasing her head in an insistent wrestle, little legs wriggling and kicking against her chin.
Groaning, Eda opens her eyes , arms already flailing to free her face from her tiny owlet daughter's playful attack, prying fingers that are already forming sharp little claws away from her much abused cheeks. "Luz"

Oswald chuckles in her ear. "Somebody's awake."

"I can see that," Eda grumbles, successfully prying their daughter from her face to hold her at arm's length instead, only semi-conscious and quite groggy.

"C'mon, love." Oswald teases her, "Is that any way to hold a baby?"

"Here," Eda promptly replies, Luz cradled to her chest with one arm shifting onto her other side to face him and pass the squirming owlet into his arms, "You take her, then."

Chuckling, Oswald accepts her, holding her gently in one arm while his free hand tickles her chubby belly, half-hidden beneath the collar of white fuzz that grows from her shoulders. "C'mon, Eda , she just wants to play."

Eda grumbles faintly, then cracks her one gleaming golden eye open tiredly. "Think she'll go to sleep if we tire her out first?"

"That's the plan," Oswald replies, placing the squirming owlet on her back in-between them and propping himself up on one elbow, tickling her tummy like he would a kitten's as her little arms flail at him.

"You're teaching her to be feisty," Eda adds as she watches them intently, lounging lazily on her side.

"She was already feisty," He reminds her, thin lips quirking into a sideways smirk, "She gets it from her mama."

"Very funny," Eda comments, before she joins him in ever-so-carefully rough-housing their daughter.


Minutes later.

with a series of shrill squeaks, Luz springs, pouncing on his prone hand and grabbing it through the sheets, chubby legs wrapping around his wrist and kicking intently while her clawed hands hold tightly to his fingers, dragging one of them into her sharp-toothed little mouth for an experimental nibble.

"Oh, no! She got me!" Oswald laughs, wriggling his fingers playfully. Luz squeaks. "You're so silly, little light"

"She certainly is," Eda muses, smiling faintly, then lays her head back down on her pillow lazily, watching intently as their daughter nestles into the familiar warmth of the nest, Luz thrashes about in her ruff for a moment, then settles down, comfortably warm and familiar and safe against her mother's chest. Slowly, the little eyes drift closed.
"Look," Eda whispers, "She's going to sleep."

"That didn't take long," Oswald comments, "Guess she was tired, after all."
Smiling, Eda nuzzles their owlet lovingly with her face, then lays her head down and closes her own gleaming golden eyes. "Good. I'm exhausted."

"Goodnight." Oswald reminds her, grinning softly even as he lays down alongside them.

"Your going to give hooty his bath in the morning" Eda informs him.

Oswald smiles. "Yes love."


Next chapter is Luz meeting grandma Gwendolyn

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