Body changes

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Few days later.

What should have been a relaxing, refreshing morning, turned out to be anything but.

6:00 in the morning, Luz woke up later than usual, for once allowing your aching body to enjoy the simple pleasure of sleeping in, on a Saturday and to make things even more blissful, blankets were wrapped around you like a heated cocoon, and the slowly rising sun had not yet started coming through the Crest windows.

A gush of lukewarm, sticky liquid hit her thighs, and luz's eyes shot open body froze, and worked her hand down to her underwear felt the soaking bloody fabric, and to make matters worse, the sheets were damp as well.

Fuck Fuck Fuck

Luz? Asked king's voice outside her bedroom door"Are you okay? I smell blood?" The 10 year old demon appeared by her bedside, looking worriedly up at her.

"Oh, hello little brother," said luz. "I'm alright. Just a little under the weather, today." She tried not to let the pain show in her voice. She didn't want to worry the little boy.

"Well mom is at grandmas for the weekend.....Wait here. I'll be right back with dad!" He scampered out the door and out of sight.


Oswald came to her bedside and the way her face was pinched as if in pain. "Sweetheart?" He asked. "Is everything okay?" His hand was already on her forehead. Perhaps she was sick. No, she didn't feel hot.

"Its horrible, dad! King cried. All the blood- my big sister is a goner for sure!"

"I don't feel well," she whimpered.

"What doesn't feel well, owlet?" He inquired gently.

"My stomach hurts," Luz whispered. "Am I dying?"

Oswald pulled down the blanket and looked at the red spot between her legs on her nightgown. "No I think I know why," he said calmly. She would forever marvel at how calm he'd remained and then simply pulled her up and gently led her to the bathroom. "Come on, burrito baby. Let's get you taken care of."

The pain was so bad, luz could hardly walk. He practically had to carry her.

"Why does this happen to me?"

"Because you're getting older."

"But only when older? Why older?"

"Well," here we go... Oswald explained gently. "When you get older, bodies start to change. Start to feel different. Need to be taken care of differently.

 Need to be taken care of differently

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2 days later eda walks in the owl house to find chocolate candy wrappers , tubs of ice cream and water bottles on the floor and hint of lavender bath soap was coming from the bathroom and lastly two passed out children on the couch , laying on heating pads and wrapped up like burritos.

"Hey baby," Oswald said. Sitting at the kitchen table in his robe, sipping his coffee. "Do you want some eggs?"

"Umm what's going on?"

"Our little owlet is on her first moon time." Oswald said nervously.

"Congratulations on her growing up and now why miss blight here?"

"Amity is also on her moon time and was dropped off by Lilith because she's on a mission looking for the Bloom of Eternal Youth." Oswald says.

"Did you tell my sister that the damn flower doesn't exist." Eda responded.

"I did, she told me I was a damn liar so you could get it."



Lilith standing over the merchant. "Yes! I wrecked this chump....I guess the Bloom of Eternal Youth isn't real.


I rewatching turning red and I just this chapter popped in my head and child burritos

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